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Posts posted by waingro

  1. shaquanew, Why does it matter that she is Russian? The police system is the same; no record sharing between provinces. Get the letter to say "No criminal record in China as of June 29, 2009". One sentence. Notarized. Done. We are not trying to prove her residence with this letter...


    Twoinchina, The instructions don't say "living". It says "resided" as in "residence". Obviously, China was and is your residence of 5 years.


    They don't know about your trips back to Russia, and they don't care. The consulate is not the CIA tracking everything you do :)


    All you need is a notarized letter from Russia & China saying you have no criminal record. Simple. There is no standard format whatsoever, so the consulate has no expectations. That's my opinion for what it's worth :)

  2. I have slightly different answers/experience and I was with my wife the whole time, and I speak Chinese:

    1. Shamian Island clinic opens at 7:30am. Get there before 8:30 if you want to pickup results same day for extra 100RMB.

    2. Don't touch the forms at all. The clinic will do it all.

    3. No one cares about the 2nd/3rd rounds of vaccinations for CR1.

    4. You should be able to pickup your visa 7/17. Be prepared to change your flight though. Check the EMS website constantly to see if it's ready for pickup(updates are instant). It's pointless to go to the Post Office everyday checking in-person.

  3. Twoinchina,

    For China, one letter covers the whole country. You have nothing to worry about. Your letter from Beijing police is enough. The letter does not need "from" and "to" dates. It only needs to have the date the letter was written, and say you have a clean record. That is what our letter said, and my wife has lived in 4 different Chinese cities for over a year.


    Now we are in Sanya which is "Little Moscow" :)

  4. Hey guys, we just came back from the consulate. Wife finished at 10:45, and she got PINK. Interview questions:

    How did you meet?

    Does your husband speak chinese?

    Did husband meet your parents?

    What does husband do?

    What does husband's parents do?

    Where will you live in US?


    Thursday interviews can pick up visa on Tuesday, not Saturday as other people have said. We need to change flights now...

    Tip #1: the consulate doesn't provide change for ANYTHING. have exact money for EMS and Visa Fee.

    Tip #2: DS-230 Part 2 IS required for CR1/IR1. Luckily, they provided the blank form.


    BTW, did I get ripped off? I paid $355 application fee already. Today at the interview they made my wife pay another $400 visa fee. They said the two fees are separate. We were blindsided by this, and had to run to the ATM(and then get exact change). This happened to some others also, so not only us. You might want to pin this up in the forum, because it seems there's quite a few people who get this wrong due to the consulate's horrible communication.


    Thanks for everyone's help and support!!! Couldn't have done it without CFL!


    PS. There wasn't a single other American at the 4th floor coffee shop. So much for being there for support....

  5. Thanks guys. Mahjong is a great idea! haha. I think people would start to complain about the noise though. I'll bring a book and my laptop just in case. I'll skip the cofee...last thing you want to do is get wired while waiting for the moment of truth...

  6. Let's start off by getting the reference correctly...


    First the good news:


    The tax line has ALWAYS been the "Total Income"... and it still is.


    what nobody picked up on is that IF IF IF you are using the 1040EZ, ONLY THEN do you use Adjusted Gross Income. WHY?


    Because on the 1040EZ, you are not allowed any adjustments, so it is the equivalent of Total Income on the 1040 form.


    Second, the bad news


    BUT, you mentioned line 37.... so your obviously dealing with the 1040.. and Line 21 is NOT an adjustment; it is "Other Income"... and this line is a part of "Total Income"...


    It seems the same outcome with corrected line to "Total Income"... see if you agree.


    You're right. It's line 22, not 37, and they're the same for me. Yes, Line 21 is "other income" which includes foreign income as a negative number from Form 2555.


    When all else fails, follow the instructions exactly. Anyway, line 24c on the I-864 is what's used to compare with poverty line.


    Thanks for the quick responses guys.

  7. Hi guys,

    I have a question on my I-864. The instructions state that for determining income for the "federal income tax return information" section, the "adjusted gross income" line 37 on the 1040 will be used. The quirk is that my foreign income is tax exempt and deducted out on line 21, leaving me with -330 adjusted gross income! (I sold some stocks at a loss) The past three years are the same. Should I really put -330 on the I-864? I mean this looks horrible... Or should I put a number that includes my foreign income?

    Second question: I'm bringing a copy of my 2008 return, but it's unsigned. Should I sign it?

    By the way, I do have a Joint-Sponsor.



    Never been to Yacheng. I'm guessing it's just another overpriced tourist trap.


    Yuck, yuck, yuck...I fooled you on this one good buddy...Yacheng is the sleepiest little burg imaginable and yet it's only 40 km west of Sanya...I just love this video... :D See if you can spot the cop sitting down eating doughnuts until he realizes he's on candid camera and starts making his rounds... B)



    okay, well there is a tourist site next to it called Yazhou Gucheng. A youtube link? youtube is blocked in china, and accessing it through a proxy takes forever!


    just out of curiousity, is your wife a US citizen now, and you're back living in China?

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