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Posts posted by lostinblue

  1. Anyone know where I can find a dummy walkthrough. For either I-130 and/or K-3.


    Something that will, step by step, in excrutiating detail, with all the forms included in each step,what comes next, what is in this packet, what packets come with what visa, how to tell when GZ has this form or when to mail whatever, what it means when a timeline says *touched*, (sounds kinda naughty). 



    I know it's kinda random when it comes to how long each step takes, not really asking for that. Especially with all the Chinese hoildays. I think they must take a holiday from their holidays to make up new holidays.


    I get confused with the packet this, and form XJ30201-31223 petition for a stroke, F242e-244w Request for excessive delay, and all those other whatcha-ma-call-its.(excellent candy bar also)



    Step 1. Send in I-130, and the other Biographic info form.

    Step 2. wait wait wait

    Step 3. Next you get this. THen you send this...include this and this..MAKE SURE THIS IS STAMPED or whatever

    Step 4. Then this, send this.


    Fiance & marrriage visa A couples guide to us immigration by illona bray published by nolo. www.nolo.com A very good book, step by step

  2. Our answer is no, we did not meet through an IMB site.


    But I do wonder how other people would answer this same scenario. Meeting on a site, IMB or not, but before the law was on the books. But also filing after the deadline of March 6.


    Would they then have to go back and join the site again just to have the background check given to the person in order to comply with the law?


    How would a person retroactivly go back in time to comply with the new law?


    One would think that any meeting that takes place before the law was on the books would not be required to comply with the background requirements imposed by the new law/I-129F petition.


    But then that is commom sense thinking, not goverment law thinking.


    There are just to many unanswered questions that can apply to too many other people in so many different scenarios and situations.


    Government legal thinking in my mind means more work for lawyers. Another way to shut down the do it your self petitioners.I belonged to match.com . I put down in a letter to question 18 ,129f that I was a member and we met through that site .At the time there was an international section that I could not use as more money was needed for that.My so was not a member of Match but we were able to comunicate even though match tried to keep us from doing so. My e-mail address would be sent (changed) to her with a match.com e-mail address as so she needed to be a member to correspond with me.I also have a letter from her (1st communication) saying she was not a member. . If I was to walk into 10 different lawyer's office in the near future will I get 2 different answers. One wonders. 6 months from now after a legal showdown in a court room we will have the answer. But I do not desire to be that test case. If you answer Yes (just to cover your butt) to that question will it mean more background checks and you enter the black hole.In my case NVC told me I was undergoing additional backgroung checks and it would then be sent to GUZ . a week later it was sent back to Vermont. So who knows where I stand at this point.

  3. dear Jany thanks for your reply,I admire you accpet the fate with philosophy.different people have different opinions cause they look things in different angles,the importance is learn something from it,thank you for sharing the scary story with us,it needed enough bravery,you're strong woman,wish best to you and your lovely daughter

  4. I don't want to sound harsh,I'm so happy her nightmare ends at last,I'm just wondering why she didn't notice her husband's age on passport and his tax papers before she left china,why she didn't realize it was a big red flag her husband didn't pick them up at airport? what made her blind?

  5. Talking about income I think it's not an embarassing topic between wife and husband,money is important part,before you go to the interview,you need his tax papers for last 3years,so you'll know his salary without asking him.

    As you are oracle ERP (SAP system?I have been working on it for 1year)consultant,i know you make big money(my company pays much for consultants)i think it's better to keep it in low key,so VO will see you love your husband not for his money,just my two cents.

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