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yuan fen

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Posts posted by yuan fen

  1. fei chang xiang.......Ahhhhhhhhhh..


    My favorite??? Mmmm... "bao zi"


    The dough takes a little longer, but, yep.


    "ONLY FRESH"....no question. hands down


    And a little extra dough in the center is correct.


    Even if they do come out odd shaped, they don't last long anyway.

  2. The discussion has come up. When we first met she asked me how old I thought she was, and I said, 25 years. She replied with a noise, which I translated into a "yes". Well, in many cases the sound means yes. I don't know how to spell the noise, but..... She's 36, 2 months younger than I, and..................I don't worry to much about it. I just try to give more than she gives, and it all works out. And, she can give, believe me, makes me feel like a King. Feeding me, and all. I just let her know that she is my Queen, and I'm here to serve her as well. This means more to her than age.

  3. I read a post in the faq section about the medical exam process in Shanghai, and thought I would add our own experience. We went today to Shanghai Peoples Hospital, and overall, it was a good experience.


    The price is 900 for adults, and the exams are done M-F 8a to 10a. From central Pudong, the taxi was about 30 to 40 mins in AM rush, and about 25 rmb (Jie grimaced when I gave the driver a total of 30 with tip).


    Shanghai Peoples has a special section just for the Visa exams. When we got there, about 830 am, there were maybe 6 to 10 others, mostly older folk, perhaps for B2's. We met another K1 (cant miss that blue EMS envelope in her hands) and she was early 20's, her SO in California (town of Campbell I think she tried to say?). We tried to find out if her SO was a CLF-er or not, but she bu ming bai what we were talking about. Her english was not too well. (Uh oh, blue slip?). She did say her interview was Feb 24.


    Moving on, Jie finished her forms, got BP, weight and eye exam, went to the panel physician for questions, on to draw blood (I almost fainted), urine sample, then down one floor to get a chest xray, and ecg.


    IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT HIV TESTING: we expected to have to go to a second distant location for HIV testing and pay another 50 RMB, but Shanghai Peoples Hospital NOW INCLUDES this in the blood draw and 900 RMB price. There is no extra fee, and no second draw ! !¡¡


    SIDEBAR: we did go to another location because I wanted Jie to start her immunizations. I dont know if this was the right decision or not. I know it is not required for K1, but I do know it is required sometime later in the process, and my thinking (or lack of) was that maybe we save a few bucks doing it in China (296 RMB), and maybe it will speed up the process a little. Anyway, her first round of shots is finished.

    I almost fainted again. I dont like needles. Even when it is someone else getting them. END SIDEBAR


    Anyhow, to close the story, the whole experience at Shanghai Peoples was a good one, and the whole exam lasted about 80 mins, arrival to leaving.


    Jie has to go back on Weds next week to bring her DS156,157, etc forms, certs, etc to finish the infamous 'sealed envelope'. She DID NOT need those today.


    If your SO goes, just be sure she brings the following: Her passport, GUZ interview letter, Med Exam forms, and passport photos. (I dont want to tell you that you dont need all the other forms on the first visit, I am just saying, we did not for her visit.)


    Anyhow, that was it for Shanghai Peoples Hospital. Overall, it was a fast, smooth, and relatively easy process. Well, thats easy for me to say, I am not the one who got poked and prodded. Its 4pm now, Jie is out like a light. After a blood draw (took 4 times to find her vein), and 3 immunization shots, I think I will let this poor girl rest for a while.


    Thanks for reading, and I hope this is helpful for anyone else who will be going to Shanghai Peoples.


    Thanks, this helps alot. I-129F mailed today, Shang hai Peoples will be on our itinerary as well. Just returned from Pudong.

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