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  1. When was the letter dated? In March 2000, there were a flurry of stories saying the school had dropped its ban. Here's one: http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/03/04/bob.jones/
  2. And no matter what the card, tryl to pay it off completely each month so that you aren't charged the steep interest rate--much higher than other loans. Leave the deficit spending to the government.
  3. You worked tirelessly for this; congratulations and have a wonderful life, you two.
  4. For an easy-to-follow storyline, there's Castaway with Tom Hanks. The plotline is straightforward, and about midway through there's a large chunk with no dialogue whatsoever.
  5. P.J., you are amazing and an inspiration.
  6. Exactly. It was "foreigners" who gave Crouching Tiger rave reviews and nominated it for awards. That it was made for and embraced by a Western audience--many of whom had never befoe watched a film with subtitles--shouldn't disqualify it as a success.
  7. Same here. I remember PJ posting something to the effect that he appreciated the space on the G7 board, but it was time for the Chinese group to have a board of their own.
  8. Exactly. And a nearby thread on jobs for newly arrived fiancees posted here got only two replies, even though the topic is presumably of wide interest. Presumably, it would have attracted a bigger response in the main forum
  9. After your ride on the brake-less bus and this harrowing experience, perhaps it's a really good thing you will not be using Chinese transportation for a while. (Of course, 40,000+ Americans die on the roads each year, so we are hardly exempt.) What style harmonica do you play?
  10. With scant evidence, I'm under the impression that Chinese players hold the paddle vertically, while Western players do so horizontally. True?
  11. Mark and my new daughter-in-law Chunxia--March 4th, under the San Francisco City Hall rotunda, with immediate family and a few close friends in attendance. Honeymoon was in Kauai. Big blowout wedding scheduled for May.
  12. I did the same thing at the bottom of this thread. You do need to be slightly obsessive about the CFL interface. For a few years, I hosted a small conference on a large commercial board--and agree with AZwolfman: the general forum will always be the most frequented. Or rather, there will always be some forum where most people, particularly newbies, will gravitate--just as in a party, there will always be one room where most people will go.
  13. I've heard it said: romance only kick-starts a relationship. After that, you must learn how to become a couple.
  14. Almost every thread here began life in the visa forum and was subsequently moved. The advantage, as you point out, is that they are easy to find. And together, the threads are becoming a valuable resource. But because this forum is less frequented, contributions fall off. And so the original poster is apt to complain, rightly or wrongly, that the move is premature, that it stopped the conversation. Perhaps the answer is to move the thread only after it has dropped off of page 1 of the visa forum.
  15. I have some thoughts on this, posted in a thread in the Language and Culture forum.
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