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Posts posted by DMikeS4321

  1. I forget, but doesn't knloregon sell this tea?

    DMIKES4321 sells this type of tea.


    Correct you are and I'm looking at a stack of 30 bricks of prime 2004 ChangYun as I type this.


    Thanks for the plug. My website has been down while I've been re-orienting my product mix. I couldn't sell the high end geen and white teas fast enough so I lost a small fortune to spoilage, but the Wulongs, Pu'er's, red tea (NOT that stupid rooibos stuff) and medicinals don't expire, so I'll have the site (www.newchinateahouse.com) back up in a few weeks. Meanwhile, if anyone wants a good Pu'er, drop me a line here and I'll fix you up!


    Thanks again, Tony!


    Best Regards

  2. My wife's interview could be scheduled within the next 60 to 90 days, but it's becoming apparent that I'm going to have trouble showing adequate income over the past 3 years (I was a mortgage broker, need I say more?).

    Can anyone give me some advice? I can probably come up with something via my tax returns (which I haven't filed for the past 5 years; I have an attorney working on piecing my financial life back together, but I don't have the money [thousands of $$$] to do that kind of work over the next couple of months).

    Does anyone know anything about sponsorship? How much money does the sponsor need to have? I'm assuming their liability would be as great as mine would be as far as guaranteeing the financial well-being of my spouse. Could I "take over" the responsibility of sponsorship after I finish my convoluted and expensive tax issue, say in about 12 months or so?

    All advice will be greatly appreciated.

  3. Well, Ma's win is a good sign of the dialogue between China Mainland and Taiwan. The mainland stock market will have good influence by the result of the election.


    Welcome Vivian!! It's just GREAT to have your perspective here. I'll be looking for your posts so please don't be shy!


    Once again, Welcome Aboard!!


    Best Regards

  4. New record by my ticker:


    6.887/1.000, RMB to dollar. It's approaching a 25% increase in value since mid-2005.

    Hope your ticker holds out there Mike. :huh:


    Dave, I appreciate your concern and thank you. I'm through the worst of my real estate nightmare now, so I think I'll be doing better soon. Nothing a trip to Nanning can't fix!

  5. Do you mean highest?


    Or do you mean lowest?




    The value of the RMB is going up when you get fewer RMB per dollar. The fewer RMB per dollar, the higher it's value against the dollar, hence, it is rising in value.


    In currency trading, the references are to value, not numbers. Value of the RMB is considered to be going UP when the dollar drops, and it is the dollar that's dropping right now.


    Interestingly, the price of gold is considered to be going up as the dollar inflates. That's probably because gold is one of the standards by which currencies are judged.


    Best Regards

  6. California as a 'redemption value' for plastic, aluminum and glass containers. Among his other businesses, my 13 year old son collects recyclables on a regular basis and takes them to the recycling center. He averages about $7.50 per week. Not bad for a few minutes work.


    Clever lad. He also has a candy delivery business and a lemonade cart for the summer. While other kids wait at their stands, he pulls his cart around the neighborhood and delivers, door to door.


    Maybe I'll be able to retire soon...

  7. Another trendy, brain dead celebrity bites the dust. Seems Christian Dior has dropped Ms. Stone from their ads in China. Not enough financial pain for saying " is that karma -- when you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?", so I don't think it's really STRONG karma.


    I've never engaged in the mindless worship of celebrities (America's substitute for 'royalty'), but I DO enjoy seeing them pay the price for their ignorance and arrogance. Seems particularly appropriate in this case, being as Sharon was "not being very nice to..... good friend(s) of mine".



  8. I would add "STUPID" to your list of descriptives. I think Sharon was shorted on brains when she was given all the looks.


    I seem to remember some conservative Christians being condemned for suggesting that AIDS was punishment for homosexuality. I think someone also said something about the 9/11 attacks being punishment for our nation falling away from God. All these statements are incredibly stupid, but I don't think Princess Sharon's statements will ignite quite the outrage of the others.

  9. Great that we have Mikes... :D with Hakka wives... :D


    Here is a little more in-depth look at the houses and their history and further links to other Hakka stuff... :V:




    Good stuff, Rog. Asiawind is a great site. I'm about to take back all the bad things I've ever said about you!! ;)


    I was very interested in Hakka before I knew my Wife IS Hakka. First time we met I asked her a question about it and was astounded to find out her heritage. She was surprised I'd ever heard of it.


    She's trying to make me Hakka now, a little at a time.

  10. Seems we Americans spend time preparing our lives for eternal sleep. Funeral arrangements, life insurance, wills and burial plots. Whenever I mention any topic on death and dying, lao po quickly interjects and tells me not to talk about these things. I try to reiterate that it is important to be prepared in the event of my demise, but she still insists this a moot topic, and we should only think of living a good life. I agree to a certain point, but I also want her to understand that she's not going to be helpless in the event.


    Do you think there is an element of denial in this? I'm just curious. The topic of death doesn't come up with us. When I engage in 'black humor', Lao Po scolds me and tells me we will be together forever (I happen to agree).


    Interesting topic.


    Good article, Tony. Interestingly, the strongest arguments I've heard against this happening are from educated Chinese. I've written about it in another thread, but many I've talked to think the differences in language structure and learning are so deep that China will never bridge the gap. I'm not sure if I am in total agreement with my friends, but their arguments are pretty persuasive.

  12. Hakka resturants are very popular in Taiwan right now. I have been to one near Hsinchu - the science park. The tables are all rough hewed wood plank. The food is mostly boiled veg and meats. I liked it; tehy reminded me of the my grand parents old mountain homes.


    Don, just as an aside, I've read that both the northernmost and southernmost private businesses in the world are Hakka owned restaurants. My wife speaks Hakka fluently as it's her native tongue. It is so cool to hear it and I want to learn. It's almost lyrical, melodious in nature. I've made her promise to teach our child (hopefully we'll have one) Hakka. I really want her to maintain the cultural ties.


    Hakka sounds a little closer to Cantonese than Mandarin, but there is a theory that it pre-dates either of those languages. Seems some very old songs from ancient China only rhyme when sung in Hakka. Some consider the language to be a dialect, but I think most scholars consider it to be a language (at least most HAKKA scholars consider it so). I know that my Wife and her sister can converse in Hakka and neither Cantonese speakers nor Mandarin speakers have a clue what they are talking about. I often ask to have English words translated into all three.

  13. It's funny because it's a joke. Fair and balanced that is. Fox is a mouthpiece for the right wing in this country. Anybody who can't admit their right leanings isn't being intellectually honest.


    Fox is 'fair and balanced' to the extent that it counters all the liberal drivel coming from the mainstream media.


    I don't recall them blowing up Chevy trucks to show that the gas tanks would spontaneously combust. I don't remember forged National Guard documents being passed off as genuine. I could go on with DOZENS of examples, but I'm already getting a headache!


    The gig is up for the lib media and some just can't stand it.


    Love ya, Dave!!

    You're right. It IS conservative drivel. ;)



    P.S. While on the topic of 'fair and balanced', did you hear about AlGore's "Inconvenient Truth" inconvenient lie? Seems they 'expropriated' a scene from "The Day After Tomorrow". The part where the ice shelf breaks away from Antarctica was stolen directly from that movie. The director of "DAT" is on record as saying that he recognized the styroform model they used in the Dennis Quaid movie. :D


    I STILL love ya, Dave!

  14. GREAT thread, Rog. I want to see the 'round houses' SOOOO much! My Lovely Hakka Bride has promised to take me next time I'm there, even though she has an aversion to 'the countryside'. I've actually been considering a miniature version here in the States when I build my house. My nephew tells me we could come close to duplicating the design with ICF (insulated concrete forms). I think it would be cool; Lao Po thinks I'm a frickin' NUT. I can't help it, I like 'em.

  15. It's funny because it's a joke. Fair and balanced that is. Fox is a mouthpiece for the right wing in this country. Anybody who can't admit their right leanings isn't being intellectually honest.


    Fox is 'fair and balanced' to the extent that it counters all the liberal drivel coming from the mainstream media.


    I don't recall them blowing up Chevy trucks to show that the gas tanks would spontaneously combust. I don't remember forged National Guard documents being passed off as genuine. I could go on with DOZENS of examples, but I'm already getting a headache!


    The gig is up for the lib media and some just can't stand it.


    Love ya, Dave!!

  16. Jack should not have made a blanket statement making it sound like ALL Chinese, but he was pretty much right when it comes to the Communist Government and those in the party.


    I have to disagree with your last sentence. I don't think there is ANY comparison between the CCCP of today and that of 50 years ago. I don't think the 'Cultural Revolution' had even started yet??? Nothing comparable today.


    I'm not defending, I'm just saying that China has come a very long way in the last 50 years, both economically AND politically.


    'Thugs and goons' is over the top, and I also think it's based on some pretty deep seated prejudices on the part of good ole' Jack.

  17. Oh yeah, I forgot, Jack Cafferty should be shot! CNN should be removed from Television and all will be a lot better.

    Which country are you the dictator of again?



    Obviously he took Randy's suggestion and headed over to Home Despot. Personally I'm waiting for their Fuhror's Day Sale so I can use my 10% off coupon and get 12 months same as cash with my club card. :victory:


    I believe Fuhrer's Day coincides with Earth Day? Better make sure your purchases are green.

  18. just rememember that for woman over 40 the risks of miscarriage or having a baby with CP is increased.


    I researched this pretty thoroughly a couple of years ago and it seems that the upper age limit in women before significant increase in birth defects/problems is higher in Asia in general and China in particular than it is in the U.S. I don't remember why, but it's got something to do with environmental factors with some genetic differences as well.


    You've got me thinking about this now, so I'll try to find the information I dug up last time I looked into this.

  19. Interesting post credzba! When I met my wife we discussed having a child and we are both in agreement that this is what we want. I am in the over 50s crowd so there were many thoughts that went through my head :lol:

    My latter years have produced more patience for me so that won't be a problem.

    The main thing my wife is worried about is that her biological clock is ticking and she wants to make certain that my health will be good for many years to come. We had a chance at 2 babies already but apparently is wasn't meant to be as she lost them both.

    We will keep trying and accept whatever hand we are dealt.

    I think that becoming a parent after 50 is a good thing. The child will definitely have the benefit of our many years of experiences in life. JMHO.

    Good luck!


    Good post, Charles. My wife and I have had much the same thoughts and experiences. We lost one six weeks after we married. She was crushed, as was I. To make it worse, I couldn't be there with her.


    I've had two unsuccessful marriages with kids. I've had custody of all three of my children, but I've never experienced the joy of raising a baby as part of a complete family. I'm 50+ also and Lao Po is 38, so we have time. We both want it and we're both going to continue to try.


    My older kids (girls, 18 and 21) think I'm a nut for even considering it, but my 13 year old son is very excited and really WANTS a younger brother or sister. I want another as I just can't imagine NOT sharing the experience with the woman who is the love of my life.


    It's all good if it's God's will, eh?

  20. China passes the U.S. in exports, second only to Germany.




    I bet there are a lot of people in Beijing and Guangzhou who are holding their collective breath over the downturn in the U.S. economy. They own our debt but our market is essential to their well being. This relationship can foster greater cooperation and friendship between us or it can destroy (or severly damage) both countries. Let's hope we work it out through mutual cooperation and respect.

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