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Everything posted by bill522

  1. that's what I was worried about. I think the CSC will take 2x as long to process
  2. I sent my i-130 to Texas (I am in Florida) and I just recieved my I797 (NOA1) from California (CSC) and I cannot figure out why?
  3. I applied for multi-entry L visa during my visit to china. It was not easy and my wife had to write a letter also. We did it at the same place I got my temp. residence permit. It was quick, and they didn't charge extra fees. Hope this helps.
  4. Hello all, I feel that I have read every one of the posts on this site but I still would like some help. CR1-I send my I-130 to Texas, priority, and they recieved it a week later. It already looks like I'll be one of the longest people waiting for the CR1. My questions are primarily about evidence and the interview. Has anyone recently been asked for a video tape? I am in China now and can't find one. My wife and I can go to Shanghai if anyone here knows of a place or someone to video tape us. I want to do this because although my wife speaks pretty good English, she will get nervous about the interview and want an interpreter. I practice now with her and she gets nervous with me, no matter how much I reassure her. We haven't kept too many receipts, and all of the photos of the places we have been are on PC, I already told her to print a few photos out. How many do you think will suffice? We have photos mostly of each other, not too many together. It is hard to ask people always to take our photo A final question about the K3. Should I apply? It looks like the CR1's and K3's are being processed about the same time. I read that the K3 is a waste of money, and I read that the K3 is a lifesaver. What is the current situation? On another note how can I explain to my wife why we need to do so many filings of the same information to different places for her? She shrugs when my China visa's are always approved quickly thanks everyone!
  5. thank you, everyone, for your help so far. I just filled out the I-130 online and where it says to write my wife's name and address in characters other than roman letters, can I paste her chinese information there from the computer? They do say to write, so I am not sure. I cannot write in chinese well enough to write it in yet :-)
  6. Hello all, I think I can make sense out of most things, but I am just starting this process and I would like to know the best way to handle this. I have read almost everything on this site and other sites, so I am a little confused. I would appreciate any help you all can give us. I am filing both to cover our bases, so whichever one she gets first will help us to be together sooner. I know I need to fill out and send the I-130/G-325a to Texas. When I recieve the NOA1 or 2 I send a copy of it along with the I-129F to Chicago? What else can/should I file at the same time? For example, the application for my wife to be able to work here? Social security number so she can get her Florida driver's license? If anyone can just list for me what needs to be filed where and when, I would really appreciate it. Also, who will recieve the P3? Me or my wife (in China)? The P4? I think my wife is more worried and stressed about this than I am, and we haven't even sent anything out yet. I know when she goes for the interview, she will be too nervous to be as confident as she needs to be, and perhaps a translator will need to be called in. I am looking for a full VHS camcorder to bring with me on the next trip to China so she can present a tape if requested. Thank you all for any help and advice you can provide.
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