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  1. If it was sent from the Chinese benificiary to the American petitioner, it would show up on his bank statements. This might be interpreted as the benificiary paying the petitioner to marry her/him and then get divorced after the green card is received. Try to document the source of the money as best you can. 162171[/snapback] I am an america US citizin , got married in china to my husband, I sent him money via bank transfer, I guess they see it from my bank records?!? I am not too sure I am going to have to ask him... I am just worried that they will deny him again... maybe because they did not like him? he went to the chinese VO. anybody been to her?
  2. They wanted me to write a statement as to why and how I was able to send him so much money. I sent him some money that I received from family members when we got married, Most american families do these, so I sent him under 2,000 usd over a 1 year period. Do you think that he will be denied when he goes back for his results? what are the stats with receiving a blue then providing additional evidence and getting a yes?! When preparing for he interview we tried to cover all ends for documents needed,etc even worried about his english but it turns out that he got the blue slip for something we never ever thought would be even an issue!! I literally felt faint for days after his blue slip. He trie to tell me not to worry but I am!!!
  3. They have got to be kidding me... they said I sent too much money to my husband ,because I make so little ... My husbnad got denied for this - they want a statement from me stating why i sent him so much.... are they f'd in the head- it had been A LONG time , I want to be happy with my husband in america with me , i have 2 sick parents that would like a grandchild and Iwould love to have a child before as well...we have a ceremony prepared for spring here ... will he ever get his visa?!?! are there many cases in which someone gets the blue slip and brings the required documents and actually gets their visa? they told him to cme back in 2 days after he brings the requested evidence.... is this how it works?
  4. My husband's interview is next week!!! I am very happy and excited, BUT we are worried because he gets nervous when speaking to my parents or sister, he takes a long time to answer them as if he is thinking in his head the correct way to answer, me----> I love him so I am patient with him and as long as I hear him speak , ienjoy his little mispronuciation it is exciting for me , so it is fine for me, BUT we are worried about what the VO may think about this!!! is not speaking english well cause of blue slip?
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