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About r2y

  • Birthday 09/30/1956

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Ft. Worth, TX and Zhuhai
  • Interests
    Enjoying life, Scuba Diving, salt water fishing, relaxing on the beach. Chatting with my love in China!
  1. I am a univeristy professor and I see students come and go. I see students that love university life and the academics that go with it, and I see students that don't want to be here and are here because of their parents. By this age, they should be able to choose what they want to do. I also have a radio station, a television station and a production studio. I hire university students to work in different positions. It is amazing to see the work ethics of some of these students. Some students love working at the studios, this is what they want to do with their lives, others are just here for the money. Overall, it is fun working with the students that want to be here and learn both in the academic classroom and hands-on productions. Do these jobs make you rich? Not really, but they sure are fun as you make a documentary, or movie, or television show. To see something come from nothing to completion that others will enjoy. To have someone come up to you and say I saw you on television or your voice sounds familiar, I heard you on the radio. There are so many job opportunities with a college education. I am the first person in my family to get a college education. As my mother told me, "they can't take your education away from you." I believe that education could be college, but most important is the education of life. All of us are learning and hopefully learning something new throughout our lives.
  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Someday I hope to post the pink!
  3. Good Luck and blessings your way and Think Pink Someday it will be our turn!
  4. Hi Joe: I have gotten my tickets directly from Continental.com. I have found those to be as cheap or cheaper than other companies that sell discount tickets. I know I am dealing directly with the airline and can choose my seat, meal, and departure time right there. It is just a piece of mind for me to work directly with the airline.
  5. Richard: I understand the webcam thing! I talked to my lady via computer complements of SKYPE and a webcam. I did send a box of moon cakes to my lady in China and just watched her with the box. It is a pain to be seperated from the one you love during these times when family togetherness is so important.
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