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Everything posted by MPH

  1. I will try my best to clarify without confusing you. I do think Warpedbored had a good idea for you to type your letter and post it here, making sure you omit sensitive personal information like your name, address, etc. But, regarding proper addressing: "I do hope the Consulate understands" is proper if you're referring to the entire organization. "I do hope the Conselor understands" is proper if you are referring to that person" Okay, here's the deal.... The reason it's so important that you address that letter properly at the top, is because that is the person that will be reading the letter. If you've properly addressed it, then in the body of the letter it's considered widely appropriate to refer to them either using their title the same you used at the top of the letter, or using "You" For example, "I am providing YOU more information" This is second person, and if you choose to use it, I think it a good idea. It avoids injecting gender. I mispoke on my previous post about third person. Use rather second person, or you, when referring to the reader... 155346[/snapback] Thanks, I valued all your opinions. Can I use consul instead of conselor and consulate?
  2. It's best not to refer to gender in any official writings. For example: Dont Use: "She was very curteous" Better written: "The counselor was very curteous" If you have a specific name or person that you are addressing, then by all means use their name, but at the same time avoid calling attention or assuming gender. Example: Gerri Jones Consular Official 1234 Main Street In this case Gerri might be a man or a woman, so be careful. If someone has written you previously and used: Ms. Gerri Jones Consular Official 1234 Main Street ...then use exactly what they used. Otherwise, keep your wording genderless.... You can avoid injecting gender into your writing by using the Active Voice, or Third Person Imperative. Refer to people by using their title rather than Gender, e.g., "The Counselor requested that I send additional information" or..."Gerri Jones, Counselor, requested that I send additional information" Don't Use: "She requested that I send additional information...." 155336[/snapback] Thanks, I mean in the middle of the letter, how do I refer to or call the consulate? Could I say, ".....may Consular Official understand my situation.... " or ".... may consulate understand......" I got confused, counselor=consulate?? Thanks all of you!
  3. How do I call the Consulate in the context of the letter while I have no idea of the gender?
  4. I think addressing the consulate in that manner would be just fine. Explain the situation and try to avoid too much detail. State the facts as you know them and get to the point. Look for obvious grammar and spelling errors and avoid advice from Trigg. 1. Put the date at the top center of the letter 2. On the left margin put your name and address 3. On the left margin below that put the address and division your sending 4. Below that add a line with the Heading: "Regarding" or "Subject" 155315[/snapback] Thanks for all your promptly response, I appreciate you very much. I am going to write the letter.
  5. Thank you for your promptly response. I appreciate your help very much. My friend, after the denial, he went to law office for help. He was asked to write a letter(maybe not considered as appeal) to explain why he got no calling history. He does not know English so I write for him, but English is not my native language. Many special terms I dare not to use. Can I use the formal way, "Dear Consulate" or "Dear Sir/Madam"? Thanks a lot for your attention.
  6. My friend was rejected by Consulate because he failed to submit the telephone bill that could prove he had called his wife in the past years. He used to call his wife with pre-paid phone cards so he could not get a proof. We used to speak to a judge in a way, "Your honor", a king, "Your Majesty", what title do we use to call a Consulate in appeal letter? Thanks
  7. What do "GUZ", "DOS" and "NVC" stand for? How much does the counselor agent in Guangzhou charge for filling form? Not many papers, just two pieces of paper, one in English, the other in both Chinese and English. The title of the English form is "Application For Immigrant Visa And Alien Registration". The other is "U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou, China Packet 3 Supplemental Information sheet" The first two questions are 1. GUZ case number 2. Visa Category I want to fill out the form by myself if the agent charges for an unreasonable fee.
  8. I know little about immigration law. What is the difference between I-130 and I-129f? I am a citizen. What is the proper term for "Visa Category"? Thanks
  9. Thanks, it is GUZ number. What term do I fill in "Visa Category"? I filed I-130 for my spouse.
  10. Can anyone tell me what "GZU case number" is? What is the official term of "spouse visa"?
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