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Everything posted by RedKris

  1. No, there was a reopening petition fee (cant remember at the moment what that was but I will look it up) and then that appeal was decided upon. Once they decide to reopen, they then have 30 days to decide on the case. For us it was only 6 days. But for us the whole 16 months was waiting on the NOA2, and we filed to reopen within 30 days of getting denied. Thanks everyone for the support. I will keep you all posted from here on out.
  2. Is this a new policy since 11/19/2008? That was when we were denied for this reason. But notice it says "USCIS no longer routinely requires". My suggestion from our experience is don't expect to be routine.
  3. My wife and I have been married for two years and filed an 130 16 months ago. We were denied 4 months ago because we submitted a copy of the original marriage certificate and a notarized translation of the marriage certificate. We had to go back to my wife's home town and get a notarial certificate - basically a document in Chinese and English stating the original marriage certificate was valid. Submitting that notarial certificate and an appeal to get our case reconsidered got our case reopened and then approved today. My suggestion is to get that notarial certificate. Even if this is rare, you don't want to be the rare case. Trust me.
  4. Finally after 16 months of waiting, getting denied, and then reopening the case my wife's 130 Petition was approved. Now onto NVC and the sincere hope that it does not take as long as step 1 did!
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