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Posts posted by Dennis143

  1. Yajie, you are a breath of fresh air to a computer site whose biggest intertainment is answering immigration questions, posting videos of favorite rock 'n roll bands and/or discussing how the Vietnam war screwed up some of our lives. :sosad:


    We enjoy your inquisitive mind and your passion to learn! Never stop... and, I hope that you do let us know when you are here so that we can meet face to face if possible. :)

    • Like 1
  2. Catherineli, to help out, here is an official US map from 1948 to give you a true perspective of things. I have seen the oranges as large as grapefruit in magic valley and ate one. This summer I plan a visit to Amarillo to tour the North Pole. Click to enlarge, then save pic to your computer to enlarge and read about Juan Montes, the near sighted Eskimo.


    Yajie, It is not uncommon for Texans to over emphasize the size of their state. It is common knowledge that Texans do this to compensate for their universally known shortcomings. :sosad: Further evidence is found by the many monster trucks driven by Texans. :)

  3. Oh, yes, Dennis, exactly, I want to learn and know more about the football that is going through all over America from September to January. I hear it's very complicated to know about. I've never had chances yet to watch or learn anything about it. Not other sports either. oh, I've learned to know rodeo that cowboys love to do.

    I also plan to learn the card game Bridge.

    Hope these dreams come true for me pretty soon.

    Could anyone please give me some English terms for me to learn the football? I have to get rid of the language barrier first.

    have a good day everyone!

    Yajie, in simple terms, with football, the team with the ball has 4 tries (downs) to move the ball forward 10 yards. If they gain the 10 yards, they must try again to move it another 10 yards (the field is marked in yards). If they cannot move the ball 10 yards, they will punt (kick) (on their 4th down) the ball down the field to the other team who will then try to move the ball forward 10 yards at a time. :) The object is to get the ball in the end zone to score 6 points. The field is 100 yards long.


    Very simple.

    • Like 1

    Hot is on the left, cold is on the right/ hot is on the right, cold is on the right????????? Is there any special meaning or just a funny saying?

    I'm really grateful for you guys helping me English so I like to share more here. Thanks again!




    It's a convention NEARLY everywhere that the cold water faucet is on the right, and the hot water is on the left. I didn't notice while they were running our water lines through our home that they had done that BACKWARDS.


    The Hot and Cold are in the opposite spots when laying on your back under the sink. :)

  5. I spent New years eve practicing on the expensive new car I bought my wife. I got a good deal on it, I might add.


    Here's a video of my driving skills, not to mention the bitchin' new car I bought for my dear wife....she wanted a dumb Mercedes, but clever me, I found something much better.






    What the hell, watch it twice I guess??


  6. No religious practice encourages alcohol drinking! Doug, you really don't have to think too much before you refuse to drink with people around. Your wife may well tell you the same. You just don't have to drink on any drinking occasions even if others are drinking at the same table with you. No one will judge you rude in China. I'm not a social person. But I"m pretty sure there is no problem if you don't drink. Many men's physical problems are from drinking and smoking, I think.

    I'm glad I"ve learned one more saying, "grease the palms", meaning to make money under corruption. I'm glad I only grease the pan before I put it into my oven with a dough. lol

    Alcohol is neither encouraged nor discouraged in Biblical text. Wine was drunk throughout the Bible. Some say it may have been just fruit juice, yet scholars point out that fermented wine was drank throughout the times of Christ, as water was often polluted. The Bible does say that drunkeness is a sin, however. :)

    • Like 1

    Hey, one more question for you guys. In China, traditionally if they drink more without being drunk, the men are taken great heroes or great men. So some men feel honored to be known as a "big drunk". I'm not sure if it is still a pride for them. How about American men? Do you take it a big pride if you can drink more?

    I suppose when we were younger, of college age, and for the first time we could make our own choices about what to do in life, we joined drinking parties where drinking contests were not unusual. Today, colleges still have a problem with binge drinking by students. In my age group (I'm 65 and grew up in the 60's and 70') there was a rebellious period of protest, protests against the Vietnam War, protests for equal rights for blacks, women's rights... it was cool to be anti-establishment against our government and rebelling against our parents. It was a time of "Tune-in, Turn-on, and Drop Out"... the Turn On part meant taking drugs, smoking marijuana, taking pyschodelics, speed and downers were considered cool and part of our so called rebelling against society. The problem, as it turned out, many of our generation became hooked on drugs even over-dosed and died. It took years for some of us to realize the real risks and responsibility that came with drugs including alcohol.


    In the 80's we still smoked in the offices where we worked. Common business luncheons were called "three martinin lunches". Christmas time our customers would arrive with boxes of liquor for us to chose from and it was normal to see every desk to have a bottle or two of liqour sitting on it.

    The US social attitudes toward drinking, smoking or anything that interferes with one's health or the welfare of others has changed where it is looked down upon or even prohibited today.


    So, to answer your question, no it is not considered cool anymore to be the person who can drink the most, at least in normal civil society. There certainly are some pockets where that might be considered something to brag about, but I'm sure law enforcement spends more time policing those persons than they'd like to.

    • Like 1
  8. I agree about the orderly but we are not looking for pedestrians and motorcycles and J-walkers constantly, like in China. As Randy says, I noticed people were watching me much more than when I drive in the USA. That was good, because I always fear I will hit somebody because I am not so used to the chaos. I love the chaos, but just not used to it. In the USA I am used to people not YEILDING nearly as much as in China.

    It appeared to me that the rule in China was if the other car could get it's nose in front of your car it would therefore have the right-of-way.


    If someone tried doing that here they'd be asking for some big trouble. It would essentially be the same as cutting in line. Even on busy bumper to bumper traffic, we normally will wait for an opening before trying to change lanes.

  9. I have known many Chinese ladies who have the same fear as you, YaJie. I tell them first and foremost, relax. You must relax or you are more apt to make mistake by overreacting. Don't grip the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white. Relax and breathe. I will say it again... relax and breathe when you are following all the advice given above.


    And, NO, a race car is not going to come from nowhere and hit you.

    • Like 1
  10. I read these article about cyber crime in Kenya last night. Here is a link to that artclie:




    "Military-style dormitories,cyber crime, Hacking and money laundering, 77 Chinese arrested, one person dead, ATM machines, unauthorized radio operations, and list goes on.


    The artcles goes on to say:


    Kenya's Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed summoned China's ambassador on Wednesday and "made it clear that the Chinese government should fully cooperate on this matter," Fred Matiang'i, the communications minister, said.

    "China promised to send investigators to work with ours on this matter," he added.

    I also read somewhere that the raided housse were near some foreign embassies. A bit of intrigue in Africa. What do you all make of this? Danb

    Most of the news wires are carrying this story... apparently this is a big bust.

  11. Don't know how you do it, Randy. That was just too kewl and funny!


    Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I actually thought I had removed my birthday from my profile. :D


    65 years old and still going strong... a true testiment to good genes. As, there's very little that I've done to get this far without any health issues. :)


    Funny thing about aging... we start to realize the finality of our life at this age. What? Maybe, I have 15 more years to live if I go with those life expectancy calculators? Anyway, thinking about it doesn't scare or worry me... it's all part of life and how we chose to live it. eh?



    Try fried chicken or cornbread... Bu hao.


    Old cast iron is hard to beat. Try cooking blacken red fish in a Teflon pan.



    Something to be aware regarding iron cookware...


    Health effects[edit]

    An American Dietetic Association study found that cast iron cookware can leach significant amounts of dietary iron into food. The amounts of iron absorbed varied greatly depending on the food, its acidity, its water content, how long it was cooked, and how old the cookware was. The iron in spaghetti sauce increased 2,109 percent (from 0.35 mg/100g to 7.38 mg/100g), while other foods increased less dramatically; for example, the iron in cornbread increased 28 percent, from 0.67 to 0.86 mg/100g.[4][5] Anemics, and those with iron deficiencies, may benefit from this effect,[6] which was the basis for the development of the lucky iron fish, an iron ingot used during cooking to provide dietary iron to those with iron deficiency. People with hemochromatosis (iron overload, bronze disease) should avoid using cast iron cookware because of the iron leaching effect into the food.



    That's all correct Dennis. When Teflon is heated to high temperatures it releases dangerous fumes and chemicals too. I guess that leads us back to stainless steel huh.


    Here is a good article on Teflon especially when it is overheated such as in a Chinese woman using a Teflon wok. Be sure to read it all. There are good thing about Teflon and bad things. My take is that it is a good product as long as you don't overheat it there by releasing the polytetrafluoroethylene in it.




    No, it leads me back to marble coated. :)


    Our home has copper plumbing throughout. Now I read that copper can leach into our water and that we can get copper overload in our diet if we don't treat the water. :Dah:



    You could always try and use a cast iron wok. If you season it, it will be almost as good as a coated one. Lodge Cast Iron is one of the best. I still have a cast iron skillet my mother bought after she married my dad in 1939. Still going rock and rolling.

    Old cast iron is hard to beat. Try cooking blacken red fish in a Teflon pan.


    Try fried chicken or cornbread... Bu hao.


    Something to be aware regarding iron cookware...


    Health effects[edit]

    An American Dietetic Association study found that cast iron cookware can leach significant amounts of dietary iron into food. The amounts of iron absorbed varied greatly depending on the food, its acidity, its water content, how long it was cooked, and how old the cookware was. The iron in spaghetti sauce increased 2,109 percent (from 0.35 mg/100g to 7.38 mg/100g), while other foods increased less dramatically; for example, the iron in cornbread increased 28 percent, from 0.67 to 0.86 mg/100g.[4][5] Anemics, and those with iron deficiencies, may benefit from this effect,[6] which was the basis for the development of the lucky iron fish, an iron ingot used during cooking to provide dietary iron to those with iron deficiency. People with hemochromatosis (iron overload, bronze disease) should avoid using cast iron cookware because of the iron leaching effect into the food.


  14. We've learned a long time ago that cooking with TEFLON is not a good idea with the high heat style of Chinese cooking. BTW we changed our kitchen from a gas stove to an electric. Wifie loves how easy the glass top electric is to keep clean. And, electric stoves put out a much higher heat than typical home gas stoves, so that's my guess why Joecy's mom destroyed the TEFLON wok.


    Anywho, after many tries with different frying and sauce pans, we swear by this Korean brand:


    Dream Chef marble coated




    We bought the ORGREENIC pan. We used it once and gave them away (buy one get one free)... you get what you pay for.


    This can't be good news for accessing CFL from China - increased blockage of Google API services have already affected our performance

    China blocks thousands more websites as ‘Great Firewall’ targets cloud services



    According to internet freedom watchdog GreatFire.org, the EdgeCast content delivery network (CDN), which “provides cloud services to thousands of websites and apps in China”, has been partially blocked by the so-called Great Firewall.

    The websites of a number of major international companies have been affected by the block, including The Atlantic, Sony Mobile, and websites related to the Firefox web browser.

    “We have been hearing from our CDN and monitoring partners throughout the industry and our own customers that more sites, CDNs and networks are being filtered or blocked by the Great Firewall of China,” EdgeCast said in a statement posted on its website.

    “This week we’ve seen the filtering escalate with an increasing number of popular web properties impacted and even one of our many domains being partially blocked … with no rhyme or reason as to why.”


    . . .


    Blocking the entire cloud domain would cause significant harm to the businesses of the thousands of Chinese websites, including major corporations, who Amazon says depend on its services for database management and other cloud computing.

    “[The Great Firewall] cannot distinguish traffic to our mirror sites and other traffic to the cloud provider which means they cannot block access to our mirror sites without blocking access to all the sites hosted by the CDN,” GreatFire said in a blog post.

    “We have acknowledged all along that our method of using ‘collateral freedom’ hinges on the gamble that the Chinese authorities will not block access to global CDNs because they understand the value of China being integrated with the global internet.”

    “However […] the authorities are doing just that – attempting to cut China off from the global internet.”



    Sounds like a gigantic juggling act. Who knows where the ball will get dropped and what the effect will be? I suppose continuing with the belief that as long as the truth isn't known then ignorance is bliss and everyone will go on their happy way...

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