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Posts posted by Dennis143

  1. For example, she misplaces the screwdriver, then she finds it. Of course it is my fault then she goes on a rant about asking God to please kill me. Over and over again she says that. This is a normal day. I am always very careful not to say anything to set her off but it doesn't matter.

    Charles, what did the police report say regarding the arrest of you and your wife? I would be greatly concerned that you could be gravely injured or even worse, based on what you've conveyed. If it were me, I would start building documentation of her abuse. I would plant tiny video cameras around my home (there are cameras that are quirt tiny). The videos can be wireless linked to your computer. Like you say, this is no way to live out the latter years of your life. You know that she needs to be removed for both your safety and quite possibly she might even get the help she needs. Best wishes to you. Dennis

  2. Thanks, guys. Everything is fine here in Sneads Ferry. No flooding and the power actually stayed on during the whole thing but a little north and south were not as lucky. Mostly north and in some parts of the county. It was like an umbrella was over us. The winds did get up to 90mph but no structural damage that anyone has reported. Looking to hear from Charles now.

    I checked out Sneads Ferry on Google Maps, (took a "drive" down Riverside Dr.) Larry. Beautiful spot. Dern you ARE right on the edge of the world. Yet, you're so calm and cavalier about hurricanes... 'ho hum, another one, yawn'. Let's hope your good fortune continues. Not a very good forecast of what future annual hurricanes will be.

  3. According to a lengthy article in the Houston Chronicle this week, the Houston District Office is the slowest in the Nation in the processing of N-400 cases, so I guess it is even more remarkable that Ping's case was scheduled for an interview in less than 9 months from when it was filed.

    They prolly want to avoid any possibility of having to go up against her high-powered lawyer husband.

    • Like 1
  4. "Hey yo one!"


    A good one from Naomi. The first half is her own view of the Chinese education system. She then unboxes and tries out the homework machine. No, the straps don't break.


    hmmm... I guess she's trying to prove that she's not just fake boobies, but has a brain too. image not available - tinypic kicked the bucket

  5. Was this your childhood playground?




    They also used diazinon, or pyrethrins. Like I said, in Houston, they were able to wipe them out - temporarily, after they had a few cases of malaria. About 6 months later, you could swat a few just by moving your arm through the air.

    Yessir there's the truck and yep there's me runnin' and playin' in the fog. Dang we sure trusted our govm't back then. The good ole days.

    • Like 2
  6. Born and raised in California, our family would go on camping trips throughout the state; Yosemite, Big Basin, Huntington Lake, State Beaches... I remember in the 50s and 60s there'd be ranger's trucks driving through campgrounds spaying out a giant fog behind them. Dad said it was DDT. Of course, I didn't know what DDT was back then. We didn't think of DDT as a health hazard. Yet, I don't recall ever having mosquito bites. Not so sure if any health issues I'm having today might have been caused by breathing in all that DDT.

  7. Wanda Plaza (shopping center) grand opening in Yulin. This was sent to us by one of the tenants in our building. Pizza Hut will have to wait another day.

    Watch out - they also own AMC Theaters in the US.



    While malls close here brick and mortar stores are obviously still thriving in China.

  8. That's the reason why I always try to chose a female doctor. If anyone's gonna give me a digital exam, I hope it's a woman. Of course, preferably after dinner, wine and a movie.


    One time at the VA clinic a young (early 30 something) female physician's assistant sat me up on the gurney and when she had finished listening to my heart, looking in my ears and throat etc. she stood between my legs looked me in the eyes and said "Now that you're here today Mr. Conner, is there anything else that I can do for you?" OMG, and no, I didn't ask for a rectal exam, but boy did the rush of bad, er good thoughts run through my head. I could not believe she was so naive to ask such a question and do I really look that old and harmless? :( I sheepishly answer, "No".

    • Like 1

    I don't understand what point this video is trying to make... that he's got dirt on China and that they'd better be careful or he will tell all? ...that he's really not a bad guy saying bad things about China, because he has a lot more dirt that he could say, but doesn't?



    I would just take it at face value and file it under "Story telling" - he's got his own battles to fight and/or rise above, and seems to do fairly well in that respect, but is largely speaking to his choir in the West.


    If he wants to move to the U.S., he'll need a green card, which I'm not sure that his little company with C-Milk can get him, unless they go through Yahoo or some other Media company. Hopefully, they've got lawyers looking into it.


    Just as hopefully, they won't be turning into another version of Chris Chappell and China Uncensored.


    He and C-Milk seem to be financially fit now to do what they want in this media. Who sponsors them?

  10. I don't understand what point this video is trying to make... that he's got dirt on China and that they'd better be careful or he will tell all? ...that he's really not a bad guy saying bad things about China, because he has a lot more dirt that he could say, but doesn't?

  11. I just found this fascinating for some reason


    from ChinaDaily on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/chinadaily/posts/10156795838876291



    Money from the past

    A large number of ancient coins, most belonging to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), were found at a construction site NW China's Shaanxi province.


    ...coins belong to Song Dynasty (960-1279).


    I wonder how many coins ended up in construction worker's pockets?



  12. Not having contact sports and where most young men look (and act) rather effeminate, I often wondered how tough and rugged a Chinese army would or could be.


    To the club’s thinking, the alternative for the boys, ages 7 to 12, is life in a society where androgynous pop idols, overprotective mothers and mostly female teachers would turn them into effeminate crybabies.


    image not available - tinypic kicked the bucket




  13. There was a time not so long ago when most American men were military vets. Today most of us are aging out. At 69 I'm one of the few vets left at the company where I work. :)


    Glad I served. Glad it wasn't combat, but combat support. USN Westpac 1967-1969 USS Ranger CVA61, SK3


    Here's an interesting program comining up on PBS.

    Episode 1 Preview | Saved in Vietnam

    Aired: 11/13/2018 | 0:00:30 | Promotion
    Join Ann Curry as two Vietnam veterans search for the heroes who saved them. An Army officer searches for the helicopter pilot who rescued him, while another soldier wants to reconnect with the surgeon who saved his leg from amputation.




    Winston gets a little fussy/frisky!


    What's your take on this topic, Randy? You must face this too.


    I tell my Chinese friends that I no longer care to go to China. At first, I felt like a rock star with everyone wanting to take their picture with me. Now, I realize I'm just my wife's big white monkey and oddity that everyone want to take a picture with.




    I don't get that much attention. It's more at a level that I'm comfortable with.


    I like Winston's line that he's used - if someone gasps and says, "Weiguoren!", just gasp back, point, and say, "Ni shi Zhongguoren!", like YOU'RE just as surprised.


    In any case, just try to respond in kind.


    One thing I like about Chinese people is that they don't seem to try to hide the fact that they were looking at you, and will usually smile back if you catch them.


    I'm probably too conditioned to western ways, as I found it a bit unnerving when Chinese men would stare hard at me. If I'd stare back and then smile and nod, they seemed just as unnerved by me doing that. :)


    Now the women who'd coyly smile was a bit unnerving too, but in a much better way. I suppose your face is a rather familiar fixture in your home town now. Are you communicating pretty much in Chinese now without wife's help?

  15. Winston gets a little fussy/frisky!


    What's your take on this topic, Randy? You must face this too.


    I tell my Chinese friends that I no longer care to go to China. At first, I felt like a rock star with everyone wanting to take their picture with me. Now, I realize I'm just my wife's big white monkey and oddity that everyone want to take a picture with.

  16. I'd hate to post this in the 'Twisted Health' topic - I'm nowhere near what those guys are going through.


    I've found out I'm a potential candidate for knee replacement surgery - at least that's what the "out" (outpatient) doctor at the Orthopedics hospital said, after looking at the MRI pictures. So we finally got to talk with the surgeon yesterday, who compared the two knees - no swelling - and suggested that we NOT proceed. Sounds good to me, although I'm still relatively immobile for now. I seem to be limited to 100 to 200 meters before I need a 2 or 3 day recovery.


    The "in" (inpatient) doctor or surgeon (Jiaying made a cute little sawing motion with one hand to make sure I'd know what she was talking about), pretty much just said "No!". I think I'll be fine as long as I can baby it more than I have.


    He suggested sticking to level hikes - hey, I've done that for 35 years now (ever since I almost didn't make it out of the Grand Canyon). Even hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park, I would look for trails that were relatively level.
    But for now, I'm pretty well stuck at home.


    That's a tough one, Randy. Second to back pain there's nothing more debilitating than knew knee pain. I did some leg presses at the gym a few months back and walked like a cripple for 6 months. My old legs just can't do like the used to. I hope they continue to hold up. All the best to you. Easy on the beer while sittin' too long.

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