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Everything posted by Beermann

  1. Just got my I-129F NOA2 in the mail today and it says the case has been approved as of 8/22 and forwarded to NVC...yadeeyadeeya.... It further says NVC will contact the beneficiary concerning further processing steps. What is this? I thought GUZ will be the first to contact my SO with P3... My wife leased out her apartment in Shanghai and moved back home with her family and is waiting for me to come live with her until her interview, but is maintaining that address because we used it on our Petitions. She keeps asking me when she can have her tenant check the mail for something important. Is she going to receive something from NVC too fairly soon even before P3? Will they try calling her? Her phone #'s I provided on the cover page are no longer in service. Thanks in advance for any info on this...
  2. Thank you very much Gene! I feel good that I know this now and won't have a nice little surprise down the road... I think you are right about this site. With each new day I feel a little bit for knowledgable and confident in the process. Thank you CFL!
  3. Ouch! That hurts! My lao po was excited about the possibility of me being by her side... I guess we just roll with the punches, huh?
  4. Have been thinking about this for a while now... What is the general perception of sponsor participation at the interview? Pros, Cons, Suggestions? Have heard that in some countries this is discouraged... I know some people in CFL are experts in this topic, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll be with my wife in China, but if I should refrain from participation, I'd certainly like to know. Thank You!
  5. Thank you everyone for the replies on this! I'm just soaking all of this stuff up so at some point I thoroughly understand this entire process so that one day I can help couples just as you all are helping me.
  6. So, if GUZ chooses to go with the CR-1, is there still a 5 month wait for an interview?
  7. Hi all. I just checked the processing dates for I-130's and they appear to have just made a HUGE jump from October 03 to March 28, 2005. What exactly would happen if our I-130 was approved before our K3 interview? Is there still the same interview process for the CR-1 Visa in Guangzhou? Thanks you so much!
  8. Thank you so much everyone for the information and the heart felt welcome! This isn't exactly going to be the information my Lao Po wants to hear as she already quit her job, rented out her apartment in Shanghai and moved back home temporarily to wait for our interview! She's going to be so upset I think...
  9. Hi all...this is my first post here as I've just been lurking for a while. Based on current processing times at MSC I'm anticipating getting my I-129F NOA2 in a week or two. Guangzhou's website says that because of heavy volumes of visa processing, to anticipate a 5 month wait for an interview AFTER receiving completed docs from the P3. Is this accurate for the K3? If it is, I'm going to go freakin nuts without my Lao Po!!!! How can they keep married families apart like that? Just cruel.... If anyone has any further insight on this, I'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks, -Brent
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