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  1. Awesome! Thank you guys for your help! We really appreciate it!
  2. Oh, so the United Flight to Beijing won't leave out of the international terminal? That would be great! I'll take a look at todays flight information. Thanks, guys!
  3. I just thought of another question. I'm so sorry. We never anticipated that they would have to go back without us after coming here. They don't speak a lick of English. We went to China and picked them up. Now, they will fly back alone. They are flying out of Houston and transferring in Chicago. I called the airline (United) and they don't provide any kind of translation service. Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this? I'm very worried about them making it back on their own. They will have a cell phone that works here so that they can call us if they can find someone to hand the phone. Then, my husband can translate back and forth. I have found the maps of the airports online and plan to circle gate numbers and draw lines, ect. But, their flight leaves Houston at 6 a.m. I'm worried they won't know which gate number they will be flying out of in Chicago. I was just wondering if anyone else had any creative suggestions. Thanks, dnoblett for answering the green card questions. As always, you are wonderful!
  4. My in-laws have passed their interview and we are now in the states. However, right after the interview one of them was diagnosed with stomach cancer. We stayed in China and he had the tumor and two thirds of his stomach removed. We fretted over how to proceed. The doctor said he needs chemotherapy. We finally decided to come to the states (before the visa expires) and then he would go back for six months of chemotherapy. They leave next Monday to return to China. If the green card does not arrive before then can they reenter the states with only the I-551 stamp in their passports? We did get their social security cards, but I don't think this will help with re-entry, correct? One more question? If I need to mail their green cards to them what is the safest delivery method? Thank you for your advice!
  5. That's awesome! Congratulations to you both!!!
  6. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you. However, I do have some bad news. My in-law's had their interview today and they said Friday is the earliest they can pick up their visa because of some kind of festival? I guess it's the Dragon Boat Festival. So, they are staying in Guangzhou until Friday. I hope that since you guys have already waited that they will do her's faster. Good luck!
  7. Thank you for all of your help! Kyle, thank you for searching for the answer. I appreciate everyone's help very much!
  8. Does anyone know how much it cost for them to mail the visas to Shenyang?
  9. I wanted to double check something. Assuming that the interview goes well, how many days after the interview can you pick up the visas at the post office? It seems several years ago it took two days. Do you pay the fee to the consulate or the post office? My husband and I really can't remember how this part worked at all. Thanks!
  10. Thank you for your help! One more question (for the time being....I can't promise no more altogether.) Do I need to include a bunch of stuff to prove mine and my husband's relationship (again!) or does that not matter this time?
  11. My husband's parent's interview is June 14th. He is leaving next Sunday to stay with them until the interview. Does anyone know what kind of questions they will ask them? I'm not sure how we can prepare them. Do they need pictures? Also, we only have one copy of my husband's birth certificate and only one set of our original W2's, ect. So, will they interview his parents together? I can't prepare their folders to both have originals of which only one document is in existence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  12. My husband's parents have their interview on June 14th. I was just wondering the same thing. If your interview is before ours, please let us know.
  13. Yes, I have emailed the IV application and supporting documents. I actually had everything else already scanned, but then read the instructions and thought I was supposed to mail the I-864 when it said "this form cannot be submitted electronically." I'll go ahead and email them. Thank you for your help, everyone!
  14. Even though we have already opted in? And sent the other requested documents through email?
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