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Posts posted by bob&haiqing

  1. We just combine chinese with english. Sometimes I call her Lao Poo Poo and she will call me Lao Ding Dong.


    <_< :lol: :lol:

    I can see Ying saying that to you! :blink: ... :lol:


    Haiqing and I call each other laopo and laogong even though we are not yet legally married ... she likes it and that's what she wants ... of course I usually call her "wo de baobei laopo" meaning "my precious laopo" :blink:


    Haiqing tells me that tai tai is to be used in a more formal setting in public and laopo/laogong in a more familiar setting with friends and family.


    Have a terrific day!


  2. Hi Jin,


    I like Randy's answer! :lol:


    I always wash the vegetables and I tend to be very neat in the kitchen, probably because I'm don't like cleaning up a big mess :o When I'm alone in the USA and I cook (or should I say heat as in use the microwave) I'll do it on the plate I'm going to eat from so I have one less thing to wash <_<


    Haiqing on the other hand really knows how to cook, not just heat, and she'll use everything in the kitchen if required regardless of how much needs to be cleaned up afterwards :blink: ... of course that's probably because I'm the dishwasher!!! :lol: :blink: :lol:


    We're going up North to spend Chinese New Years with family and Haiqing and her mom are already planning the meals and will be making the traditional dumplings from scratch. She told her mom "don't worry, I'm bringing the dishwasher!" :( :o :P


    Does Rob know how to wash dishes? :lol: :lol: :lol:



  3. :vava: CONGRATULATIONS! :yahoo:

    Michael and Ying


    I was so glad to hear your good news when Ying called us earlier today to tell us you guys received PINK!


    From what you guys showed us last Saturday evening we knew you were well documented and prepared for the interview and figured you'd have a great outcome ... way to do your research and take this seriously! :D


    Have a good, safe trip home :)


    We'll talk to you guys soon!


  4. Hey Batmaniac,


    Easiest way to do it from Shenzhen is to go to the Huanggang border crossing and purchase a ticket to Honk Kong airport from Sky Limo. They do it two different ways, 1) You buy the ticket, they'll load your luggage, you get on the van, they drive around the corner to China customs, you get out, go through China customs and meet them on the other side of the building where you get on the van and they take you through Hong Kong customs without getting out of the van and then on to Hong Kong Airport and they'll drop you right at the terminal ... or 2) You buy the ticket, they'll load your luggage, you get on the van, they drive several miles west to the Shenzhen Bay border crossing and you go through both the Chinese customs and the Hong Kong customs without even getting out of the van! Again they drop you right at the terminal. 150RMB each or 180HKD each. :happybday:


    Haiqing has even made arrangements with them to pick us up at our house here in Shenzhen the day we leave so we don't need to worry about getting all the luggage to the Huanggang border crossing! She can tell your fiancee all about it this weekend when we get together.


    See you then! :partytime2:


  5. :mobrun: CONGRATULATIONS! :vava:

    To both of you!


    I knew you had your interview last week because we were PMing just before it but I haven't been on CFL recently to catch your results. I'm so glad to hear you guys received a PINK ... way to go!


    If you guys make it down to Shenzhen before you leave for the USA in January let's get together for dinner. Haiqing and I will be up north during Chinese New Years visiting family, then back here until we head to the USA on February 18th. <_<


    Have a Wonderful, Blessed Holiday!


  6. American Services notary closes promptly at 3:00 pm if I remember correctly (check our interview details, I mentioned it there when it was fresh in my mind almost 3 months ago) so if you're going to ACH on the 15th be certain to get your stuff notarized before you go to ACH. :lol:


    There was a pretty good crowd the day I went to ACH and I was one of the last people called and didn't get out of there until about 3:20 pm ... too late to get things notarized.


    Good luck this week!



    To everyone there in the USA ... it's already Thanksgiving morning here in China. :huh:


    Haiqing is so interested in all our Western holidays and last night she was asking me all kinds of questions about what Thanksgiving day dinner was like and what we traditionally ate. I could see the wheels turning as I described it to her ... Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, dressing, rolls, cranberrries, pumpkin pie ... bingo! :yay: ... I finally mentioned something she could relate to as her intentions were to attempt to duplicate Thanksgiving dinner here in China for me as best she could. :mf_sleep: When I mentioned pumpkin pie her face lit up and she said "I can go to McDonalds, they have those pies" :gleam:


    When I explained to her that pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner was a little different than McDonalds she was a little disappointed but I told her not to be concerned because I was touched by her caring and thoughfullness and having such a loving laopo to be was the most important thing I could be Thankful for today. :blink:


    Have a terrific Thanksgiving everyone!

    Bob & Haiqing

  8. Hey Bill,


    When Haiqing and I did our letters of intent for sending with the I-129 petition I let her write it herself (actually, I typed it but she told me what to write) and I did not correct her English which I felt was important because it was in her words. At the bottom we typed her name in pinyin like this:


    [given name] [family name]

    Haiqing XXXXXXXX

    [here she signed her name in pinyin exactly as typed above]

    [here she signed her name in Chinese characters in Chinese fashion]



    We did not have our letters of intent notarized for the I-129 petition. I did have my updated Evolution of Relationship/Letter of Intent notarized for the interview, that one should be notarized.


    Hope this helps. :secret:


    Best of luck to you both!


  9. Hey LaurenAmber,


    If you guys make it down to Hong Kong island take the bus ride up to the Peak ... it's a double decker bus and if you can, try to sit on top right in front :lol: ... it will scare the poop out of you :o because the ride is up a very narrow winding road that clings to the side of the mountain. When Haiqing and I went up there the bus actually scraped the side of the mountain several times and when you're on the outside lane there's only a little guard rail and you feel like you're going to slip off the road and slide down the side of the mountain :lol:


    The view at the top of the Peak makes it all worth while, here's a few pictures from our trip there December 2007.






    In the foreground is Hong Kong island, across the bay is Kowloon.


    Enjoy your next trip! :D


  10. Also, they have lots of information behind the scene. GUZ has already made up their mind before the interview. In cases with a positive aspect, they will look at what your SO might have to help them make a snap decision one way or other. This is the only time they will look at any information your SO has brought with them. Cases with a neutral aspect where they want more time will get a blue slip. Cases with a negative aspect receive a white slip. When you get a blue or white, it really doesn't matter what you bring to the interview. Even if you have what they ask for, they will not look at it because the blue slip is asking for more time than is available at the interview to make a decision.

    I guess they way i feel about all this is, if GUZ needs more time to look into the case, then why do they bother giving an interview date when they obviously are not ready to render a decision?....If they need further documentation, as in our case and some others, DNA tests, then why do they not inform the beneficiaries of this prior to the interview?....A lot of the blue slips and white slips could be avoided if only GUZ would communicate the issues they have with each suspect case prior to giving an interview date....just seems to make sense to me.

    Hey Steve,


    Perhaps someone can give a more knowledgeable answer than mine but I think they don't do this because it would add an extra step in the process for all applications instead of some applications.


    Prior to the interview GUZ only has the info from the P1 package and P3 package (which they have only had for a short period of time) besides anything that was collected behind the scenes as Michael made reference to. In many cases, such as ours, this was enough information along with the P4 package information taken to the interview for GUZ to issue a pink and the visa. If GUZ required all applicants to send in the P4 forms for review so they could then request more information such as the DNA test you mentioned prior to issuing an interview date, it could add several months to everyone's visa application instead of only some applications. :o


    I don't know what percentage of all applicants receive a pink at interview but if that number is reasonably high and they added all those back into the process due to the addition of another step the backlog could choke the system as we now know it and everyone might have to wait much longer. :unsure:


    Who volunteers to wait longer? NOT ME! :D


    Have a terrific day!


    I think you have misunderstood me bob...my mean was, if the vo knows in advance they will require additional time to review the case, or they know they will request things such as dna test, then they should do these things in advance of the interview date so when is time for the interview, will no need to wait again....of course this would not make the others have a longer wait, only the ones that the vo already knows they will make wait after the interview...and i would have much prefer to do these things prior to interview and know we would have nothing more to worry about at the interview....for those who go to the interview with their fiancee or wife and then get denied and have to go home alone again, i am sure they will agree

    Hey Steve,


    Yes, I understood your meaning, I was simply speculating what would be necessary for GUZ to accomplish what you are talking about. What I came up with, based upon what information GUZ would have just prior to the interview, would be the insertion of another step in the process. How they would filter out those they wanted to put through that extra step or not would seem difficult so I just figured that if they were to do something like that it would be all inclusive for simplicities sake.


    I am by no means an expert at any of this and not being privy to what happens behind the scenes at GUZ puts me in a position where I can only form conjectures.


    Yes, I can imagine that going to the interview with your fianc¨¦/ee or wife/husband and not being able to bring them home with you would be very difficult. I always feel badly for those who have to experience this. Because of our situation we were not certain that we'd get a pink and thought we just might get a blue so to avoid going through the painful situation of returning alone, my plans were to stay here with her until we had the pink. As it turned out we did get pink and now for other reasons we're staying together in China until next February.


    Have a terrific day!


  11. Also, they have lots of information behind the scene. GUZ has already made up their mind before the interview. In cases with a positive aspect, they will look at what your SO might have to help them make a snap decision one way or other. This is the only time they will look at any information your SO has brought with them. Cases with a neutral aspect where they want more time will get a blue slip. Cases with a negative aspect receive a white slip. When you get a blue or white, it really doesn't matter what you bring to the interview. Even if you have what they ask for, they will not look at it because the blue slip is asking for more time than is available at the interview to make a decision.

    I guess they way i feel about all this is, if GUZ needs more time to look into the case, then why do they bother giving an interview date when they obviously are not ready to render a decision?....If they need further documentation, as in our case and some others, DNA tests, then why do they not inform the beneficiaries of this prior to the interview?....A lot of the blue slips and white slips could be avoided if only GUZ would communicate the issues they have with each suspect case prior to giving an interview date....just seems to make sense to me.

    Hey Steve,


    Perhaps someone can give a more knowledgeable answer than mine but I think they don't do this because it would add an extra step in the process for all applications instead of some applications.


    Prior to the interview GUZ only has the info from the P1 package and P3 package (which they have only had for a short period of time) besides anything that was collected behind the scenes as Michael made reference to. In many cases, such as ours, this was enough information along with the P4 package information taken to the interview for GUZ to issue a pink and the visa. If GUZ required all applicants to send in the P4 forms for review so they could then request more information such as the DNA test you mentioned prior to issuing an interview date, it could add several months to everyone's visa application instead of only some applications. :)


    I don't know what percentage of all applicants receive a pink at interview but if that number is reasonably high and they added all those back into the process due to the addition of another step the backlog could choke the system as we now know it and everyone might have to wait much longer. :hug:


    Who volunteers to wait longer? NOT ME! :D


    Have a terrific day!


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