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Posts posted by b.c

  1. One thing I have seen done before is having money in bank that is shown to be frozen while away from China.


    I don't have details as to how this is set up with the bank.


    And its possible to get a short-term loan of a significant sum in China but it will cost you a hefty fee. I couldnt help you locate one, but there are some operations that regularly offer this service. Its mostly used by small foreign companies setting up operations in China to work around the high capital investment requirements.

  2. Too soon (1 to 2 weeks) and too far out (2 to 3 months+) you will typically pay a premium in my experience. And as you probably know, prices can fluctuate on a regular basis (sometimes daily) due to supply/demand of a particular flight.


    I typically get the best deals 3 to 6 weeks out. Seems that thats the sweet spot in my experience. I have very rarely paid over $1,000 for round trip to China. But given the recent turmoil and upwards pressure on oil, it might be wise to lock in at $1,200 if you are satisfied with it.

  3. Very easy. You can get directly from each airport by the subway. Take Line 9 from Hongqiao to East Nanjing Rd station. Then transfer to Line 2 at that station and it takes you directly to Pudong airport.


    I heard it takes about 2 hours from airport to airport by subway. If you have a lot of luggage or want to cut the time down to 1 to 1.5 hours then taxi would be best. Taxi will run you 200+ rmb.



  4. I agree with Randy... carefully tread since what he does with his personal life does not need full disclosure to GUZ. But I can see the dilemma is how to explain why he went in the first place.


    I also share this sentiment and frankly I think your relationship with your former fianc¨¦e that you went to see initially is not relevant unless you filed a petition (which I figure you didn't). If you have made subsequent trips to see your current fianc¨¦e since that first meeting, you could say how you signed up on the SZ social network and communicated with one another. As for that first meeting, you could say that you were going to be in China during a certain time (no need to bring up the former fianc¨¦e) and arranged a meeting. You can then go from how your relationship evolved from that meeting.


    I agree with this. And I also agree with David that you should try to get another trip in if you have only visited her once. 1 visit combined with the potential finding of visiting another gal on that same trip will almost ensure you get a blue in my opinion.

  5. Hi Sean.


    Welcome to CFL. And relax. Stress does no good.


    Most people are better off petitioning on their own without a lawyer. But in my opinion, you have a classic case that needs a lawyer because of the following things:


    1. Your previous petition

    2. Recent divorce

    3. You were introduced by your cousin

    4. She is from Fujian Province, which tends to get more scrutinized by VO's


    These 4 things make this case problematic in my opinion. I would highly recommend contacting one of the lawyers recommended on this board, Marc Ellis is a good one.


    Again, no need to panic. Just do your research, get your ducks in a row and give it your best shot.

  6. *Info below is under the context of you not having any specific complications in your case:


    If you have an extra $2,000 or so and want a false sense of security then by all means hire a lawyer.


    I hired a lawyer because the process seemed complicated and intimidating at first glance. I was thoroughly dissatisfied in every way. In short, a lawyer is not going to be more effective and efficient that you will be handling it on your own. Thankfully I found CFL late in the game and was able to find a mistake that my lawyer had made on some paperwork right before our interview that potentially could have got us a blue slip.


    CFL is a much better resource than any lawyer is going to be under normal circumstances.


    For help with your SO, I have read on here a couple times in the past that a couple people have hired a lawyer in China to help with their SO. If I recall correctly, it was relatively cheap and they were satisfied. Also, as mentioned above, the Yangs are a good resource if you choose to stay with them in Guangzhou.


    As for your #3, I am sure many members and their wives here would be happy to help in any way when/if the time comes, mine included.

  7. The topic is get out and vote regardless of your party affiliations. Any Republican or Democrat bashing will be quickly deleted. If you want to crow because your party won or whine because your party lost do it in another forum.


    Did I miss something? I dont see a single mention of any party in this thread.

  8. I don't see how she could have been chosen to be a contestant without having been interviewed by the TV station. They want the best looking girls that they can find. I would think that a written letter and a photo would be the first event then followed up by an interview to see if she is who she says she is in the letter and photos as well as what her personality is.


    As you can tell my vote is against.




    Gotta agree with this. Most of these setups have several elimination steps and often have a round that is personal such as a video, interview, etc.


    Maybe she is hedging her bet a bit in light of the prenupt? :ph34r:

  9. U.S.A is number 1 and will always be the worlds superpower. Well that's the end of this thread.


    Please tell me your joking. Our time is coming to an end. The writing is on the wall. Its only a matter of time. Sure, we may shine again because I believe the american spirit and ingenuity is like no other. But many significant structural changes in our government and education system will have to change first. Unfortunately, it seems that we keep heading in the wrong direction.


    But in the meantime, you can follow the money. Money (and pretty much any other resource) follows opportunity. I think you will find capital fleeing the west bound for the east. This has been the trend for quite awhile.

  10. Being dumped a week after getting married could qualify as mental abuse. Since she has family here willing to take her in and she has no means to get back to China or income once she got there, that could be extreme hardship. She needs a lawyer.


    The first week with my wife could have been considered mental abuse too. :lol: I agree with Charles, there might be another side.

  11. well some people are having it hard , and some are making it hard on others, i have the same jod i took in 1999, but this year i was given a 2 dollar on the hour raise, but the way things are looking , now , i really wish bush was back in office, he worked for me , and that is a fact


    As a Republican (well, more of a libertarian), I honestly feel Bush didnt do us any favors. Although I despised him while in office, Clinton's policies (think strong dollar, etc) really did a lot of good. But in truth, the prez doesnt really have much affect on the economy in my opinion.


    By the way, the real unemployment rate, as it was defined many years ago, is more in the neighborhood of 15 to 16%.

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