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Posts posted by OrionM31

  1. If in fact the name check are lost in the big black hole, DOS and CA need to work on this.

    I think CA has some say in the matter but DOS (Powells Office) has more power and all policies are made there.


    Here is another Powell letter.

    As I said before, I am no english professor, Im just an old hands on worker.

    Please review and resopnd if you like, Oh, I have tough skin and i dont get my feelings hurt easily.  :blink:  :blink:  :(  :(  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

    (I went ahead and corrected what I thought may be a better wording of the document. I am not an English master myself. :) I am more a self Taught writer. :) )


    Dear Mr. Powell,



    By now, we are sure you are aware of the visa delay problems at the US Consulate IV Unit in Guangzhou China.

    We have been told the delays will take "AN" additional 6-8 weeks time for the new name check policy. The fact remains; there are hundreds of July and August interviewees for fiancée and family visas still waiting while other, more recent, interviews now get "their" visas within 30-60 days after the name check has been submitted. We the undersigned have waited 150 and more "DAYS" for our cases name checks to be complete and visas issued.

    It is quite obvious at this point the July and August name checks have been mishandled, entered in error, lost or just pushed to the wastebasket. If they were not mishandled in some manor, we would have visas by now and would not be requiring you attention in this matter.

    The people in the below list have been waiting over 1 year to obtain a visa for their loved ones. <<cut>and> Soon all the documents that <<cut> is> "ARE" required to obtain a visa will be beyond the 1 year limit for these documents. It is not our fault the system has been changed "," or errors in the process have been unmistakably made.

    We are asking you to intervene in this situation and apply special conditions to resolve this unfortunate situation.

    We feel you should contact the office or offices who are in charge or doing the name checks to have the July and August names below moved to <<cut> the top of the>"A HIGH" priority list and finished before all others.

    Dear Mr. Powell, as you know, most problems do not solve themselves. <<cut>,> This seems to be the general policy at this point with the mishandled, entered in error, lost or just pushed to the wastebasket name checks.

    A proactive course of action is due at this time.


    Thank you bla bla bla <Actually, Yadda, Yadda is better :lol:>



  2. If your loved one will let you spend that much money, it is really great.  I had the same idea, but my wife about had a stroke when I mentioned it.


    Jiajun sad, to much money!!!!

    But I told her I saved so much for this trip.

    And as a present to her, we will stay there.

    :angry: Now, THAT is how to do it! ;) When I was in China last, my wife and I drank at the Tea room that they have there. It is a very remarkable place with the waterfall and everything. If you have the time, I suggest taking the Evening boatride on the Pearl river. They go by the White Swan and it's lit up like a christmas tree. :)



  3. Staying at home with my folks. My wife should be calling in an hour or so to wish both my parants a merry christmas. She is always nervous about talking to her ner folks, since she hasn't met them and also she is concerned about her English. I told her she has nothing to worry about. She is taking care of her sisters children and also has to take care of mom as well.



  4. <chuckles> You almost seem like a twin to me Joseph-1! :D I met my beloved the first time on November 1st of 2001 and I also went over during the new years celebration and stayed until the 14th. I also live in a small town just 10 miles south of Michigan. My wife also resides in GZ. How many people here have loved ones in GZ anyway? I know it's a big city, but Jeepers! :P



  5. Thanks for all the coments made. I do like to write and this story needed telling I think. :angry: All this would be rather interesting to see on the big screen. :blink:


    My wife, Ru Fang sent me a Yahoo Christmas card this morning. I will have to call her and surprise her since I told her I would not be up for another hour. <chuckles> Have a happy christmas all!



  6. The Elf looked at the bald man behind a large ornate desk. He was trembling in fear for some reason. "Sir, they somehow got out from where we put them. I don't know how they were able to get away." The elf trembled some more and continued, "Somehow news got to the Norwegians and they were able to get out everyone involved." He started to break down and cry, "There was nothing I could do sir! I tried to delay them for as long as I could! Don't do anything to my family!"


    The fat man behind the desk leaned over to the short elf. His black uniform wrinkled from being worn way too long. He also stunk of coal dust, an honest thing being here at the South Pole. That is all they do here, mostly mining the coal for all the bad people on Santa's list. What most people didn't realize is that Santa had a twin, and all the people on Santa's bad list got put on the fat man's shoulders for him to deliver the coal. If only I was born first, the man thought. I would have made a grand Santa, but nooo? I have to be down here in the south taking care of all the BAD PEOPLE! It was days like these he wished he had never been born. That is neither here nor there though. He knew that there had to be a Santa for the bad boys and girls? Hell, I knew that the plan won't work for long. My brother is very clever and has resources I cannot bribe or control. He waved his hand in dismissal, "You may leave." A look of relief appeared on the Elf's face, but the fat man leaned in closer. "Your family will have a little less coal this quarter because of your bungling. The only reason I do not do more is because I need the coal you mine. Now be gone!" The Elf scurried away while the fat man slumped in his chair once more.


    He looked at the fire that was burning. It's flame licking the fireplace like a live thing. He also noticed a picture on the mantle that he hasn't seen in quite sometime. He got up from his chair and wandered over to the mantle to take a closer look. It was a picture of a happy man with a smallish woman next to him. The man looked similar to the fat man, if he lost about 100 pounds and 20 years of his life. A tear came to his eye as he stared longingly at the lovely woman that was next to the man. He reached out with his finger and stroked the picture where she was. A feeling of sadness started to overcome him as a voice from behind said, "You still miss her, don't you?"


    The fat man turned and noticed he was looking in a mirror. Then his eyes noticed the difference in the suit, it was mostly red, with fuzzy white collars and a wide black belt. It was Santa Claus.


    "There must be something in my eye, perhaps the smell of eggnog and chocolate chip cookies." He frowned at his brother, "So, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit brother?" His emphasis at the last word made it sound like a bad word, uttered in contempt.


    "My dear Belsnickel, don't you think you have suffered enough pain?" His look that he gave his brother was of caring, "Mei Ling was a nice woman. I am sure mother would have taken her in as one of her own daughters. Why did you end it with her? You had never told me? "The fat man known as Belsnickel sat heavily into his ornate chair.


    "Chris, You don't know the pressure of being the bad guy, especially at this time of year. There are even bad people that I do not want to see, and they deserve all the coal I could give them." He turned away from his brother, "Why does this interest you? After all I did to mess your plans up. It certainly wasn't concern over my feelings I am sure." He snorted in distain. "I should have been born first, then you would be in this chair and we wouldn't be having this conversation."


    "Maybe we would have Bel, You never know. My life would have been different, but this isn't about us, this is about Mei Ling. I knew how special she was to you." Chris reached out to his brother and he ignored the gesture and spat in anger.


    "She was not special to me! What do you know!" His voice sounded as hollow as the lie he used to cover his real feelings.


    "Don't blame the governments over what happened 20 years ago Bel, it isn't right." Chris laid his hand on his brother's shoulder and this time Bel did not ignore the touch. Bel turned and faced his brother.


    "She was a wonderful woman!" Chris said. "Why didn't it work?"


    "Because, Damn it!" Bels real feelings showed on his face, he was in anguish, "She deserved better then to be Belsnickle Claus! I didn't want her to be burdened with the thoughts of her husband being a bad man. Add that to the fact that no matter what I did in China, they always found a way to mess up the paperwork! I took great glee in handing out the coal the year that happened!" His anger spent, he sagged back into his chair. A look of melancholy was on his face. "I stopped talking to her, in hopes that she would stop writing me, but it seemed to make her more earnest in her pursuit of me." He looked in Chris' eyes and lowered his voice to a bare whisper, "Why Chris! What possesses her?"


    Chris kneeled down and looked his brother straight in the eye. "I believe it is called love. She loves you for who you are, not for what you do." He patted his brother on the shoulder. "People do strange things for love. You know how many lives you have influenced because of your attempt at petty revenge? Many people will be without their loved ones this Christmas because of what your Elves did by ferreting out mine." Bels eyes lit up for a moment and then died down as Chris continued. "You don't think I wouldn't have spies keeping an eye on you did you?"


    Bel snorted and said, "How else would you have gotten to me here? I am not the most available man you know."


    "You know, Mei Ling still asks to know how you are." Santa looked at the mantle and noticed the picture there of the happy couple. He took it down and looked at it. "She was a real good catch, at least that is what mother said." Chris chuckled and his belly shook with the laughter. "She had said it would open a whole new door for us if you were to marry her. Think of all the children there that do not believe in us!" He placed the photo back on the mantle. "It might have even caused us to make Christmas into a two day holiday." He laughed merrily at his own joke and Bel couldn't help but laugh with his brother. Then he turned to Chris again and said, "Mei Ling has asked, about me?"


    "Every Christmas ever since you stopped writing her, she has wrote me asking for you to be with her. You were never the kind of person I could get a hold of. I think you taught those people in Washington D.C. a thing about infinite waiting." His belly shook again with silent laughter. He reached into his sack and pulled out a bundle of mail. "Here are all her letters my brother. Won't you please write her? She misses you terribly!"


    With trembling hands, Belsnickle took the letters from his brother. It was a very large pile of letters, almost 4 inches thick. "I see she still spells my name wrong, although I think she does that just to be cute," Bel said gruffly. He pulled the red ribbon that held the letters together and began to look at them. Seeing her handwriting again brought tears to the old mans eyes. "Perhaps I was hasty those many years ago. Do you think she will still have me?"


    Chris, with a twinkle in his eye smiled and looked at his brother in merriment. "It's the Christmas season my brother, anything is possible!" He Chuckled and hugged his brother for a very long time.





    <Guys! I couldn't help myself. I was thinking about this all day at work and had to write it down. Now we know what the real story is. :greenblob: I hope no one minds me writing it.>



  7. I got it!!!! OK, I will add that field..and i will have to add the capability to edit that stuff too so you guys can update it.  I'll get that done first thing in the morning. :lol:

    What would also be nice is either A place you can click to E-mail the person or an area o make comments about the pictures, unless we want to post them here of course. :greenblob:


    Philip and Ru Fang

  8. By our experience, you are about at the stage where GZ should lose your paperwork or otherwise screw things up.  Of course no matter what happens it will not be their fault.

    Gee, how comforting. :rolleyes: Well, at least I am not alone in this. I will let you all know what happens if they do happen to "loose" the paperwork. I know my wife is a little spitfire and she won't put up with that crap. <chuckles> Hopefully, things will go smoothly, but I am prepared for the bumpy road ahead.



  9. Phil,


    Wish you a good luck. A lot of us in this forum are still waiting for the "real visa" even our loved ones have been approved for visa in GZ a while ago. The longest one may have been waiting since July. Hope you will not have the same problem since GZ is cleaning up the backlog now.

    Your wife will get a packet 3 from GZ after GZ receive your approved paperwork from INS. Then your wife will fill them and send them back to GZ to wait for packet 4. Packet 4 will contain an appointment letter to inform your wife the date for interview. hope your wife will get visa the same day or next day.

    for your reference: my appoved petition: 3-25-02; packet 3: 6-19-02

    I will defiantly keep this in mind. As I have said earlier, I am not real surprised by the wait, it is more the bureaucracy behind the wait.



  10. Is the 130 form because you are already married??

    Yes, the I 130 was sent in because I am allready married to her. I had hoped that by doing it this way I would be able to get her here with less trouble. I guess I will have to wait and see. :lol: Not like I haven't been doing that allready. I knew it would take a while to do. So I am not really that surprised.



  11. Since I have just joined this group I was wondering if someone would be able to let me know where I am in so far as my status in the K3 process. I have received my papers for the I-130 and the 129-F stating that the government here has approved them and had shipped the packet off to GZ for them to send a packet to her telling her what she needs to do. After hearing all the horror stories about the GZ Consulate, it also has me a little worried. I do agree with Jon about the GZ Embassy being of little or no help and also how "secure" the area was. <chuckles>


    So what it boils down to is where are we at here? :) Thanks for your time.



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