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Posts posted by Eric&Yuhui

  1. Eric!


    you pirated my post from 001:rolleyes:  :lol:

    did you notice that the 'Immigrant visa' team instead of 'info team' at the end of the email?

    I sure did ! There was NO copyright !But I withheld the name by saying Dear xxx ( I can be discreet ) !! Now you busted yourself :D

    Yes I did see the IV thing rather than info team... That's good.. That means at least the IV gang is working on something.

    Then again.. it could be a DECOY !! ahaha Juuust kidding ! Or just mean nothing at all besides an answer from the c onsulate. Who cares who answered actually betweenyou, me and the lampost.

  2. Eric,


    I saw it too, and it looks pretty official. It was sent to one of our members on 001 and believe it is quite accurate. That is great news for everyone; to have some confirmation that was wanted and needed. It won't be long now and most will have a very merry Christmas. :rolleyes:  :lol:  :D >Jim

    yeah. but someone on G& said that "someone" in china called GUZ and the officer said 200, not 5000. LOL So i posted the above there.

    My God, we'll never know will we?

  3. I saw this on the chinese language board 001.com. That was in English. The rest in chinese, and I' aint speakin' it, so go there to check...


    "Dear XXXX


    Thank you for your email, We have just received the necessary response from Washington to complete the processing of many, but not all, IV cases in Guangzhou. We are now working very hard to complete the processing. We will begin notifying applicants as soon as possible.


    Due to such a high volume of responses from Washington, it is not yet

    possible to search on the status of each IV case. Applicants will be

    notified by mail. "


    My comment: Everybody K girl/guys has a phone listed on the applications/papers.. Could we PERHAPS suggest to GUZ to CALL those folks instead like Moscow? Would shave a few days off the wait.... Just an idea.. Eric

  4. Eric,


    I was under the impression, from reading the board, that there was confirmation in two cases. Perhaps you are saying something different to that affect. :rolleyes:  :) >Jim

    James. No.. the two cases are confirmed.. No doubt about this.. What is not confirmed ( well,, beyond reasonnable doubt ) is this massive 5-7000 clearances that Mark and Victoria reported..

    Don't roll eyes,, ya gonna get blind ! :D

  5. Has anyone called GZ tonight? It would be nice to get a confirmation from GZ that indeed the clearances are on the way and that they are ready to start issuing visas. It is past 11:00 am, Tuesday there. :rolleyes:  :) >Jim

    James, I reallly thin we need to know that those clearances went through as a "fact for sure" before bugging GUZ more.. We need to show that we know.. not that we heard..


    But I know mark did already ..LOL Lil' bugger him..

  6. Well.. before we all jump up and down.. let's look at the Russia folks.. ( the one who report obviously, a tiny minority in the K-1 community, as they are in China ) We are not exactly seeing "flood gates" opened in Moscow...

    Then again, they didn't get a 5000 visa clearance rumor, yet to be confirmed though..

    I really do not want to dump water on the fire kids ( heck I called Yuhui today with the news of 2 clearances in China, just to kep her spirit up ! ) , but we have been there , done that.. so let's not assume most of us here ( and the 80% K'ers out there that don't even know about this board or G7 ) will be home free by the time santa shows up.

    Mark, as an early riser, got the DoS out of bed.. Let's hope this is just not a rumor.. because if there was in fact 5000 or whatever clearances cabled to GUZ, then yes.. we really have a good shot at it.

    Of course Hous visa and the other one is definitely a step in the right direction.. but 5000-7000/ 100 a days Guz could potentially process ( just my guess ) is still 60 days out ...

    So, individually, the news are great of course ! You go Hous and bring that girl here... Collectively however... the next few days will tell

    Keep faith. I was just playing the devil's advocate here..



  7. Hi guys


    Mark: I saw your post about your call to A. Simpkin at C.A this a.m .. Re: 5000 name checks released


    Victoria:I saw your post about your call to Greg at DoS.. Re: 7000 name checks released.


    With 2 different sources, is this for real ? Was anyone able to confirm this somehow? Or the rumor just floats around DoS as well?


    Well, that's great to see that at least 2 names were cleared ! .. but if the above rumor/fact was to be confirmed, this would be tremendous news for all of us..


    We know that 2 were cleared, some were not.. but the VAST majority of K-er's could not confirm either status in their cases . Didn't call today or couldn't get through.

    So who knows? There might be plenty more "unreported" clearances..

  8. enight,


    Thanks for posting the link to this site in 001.  Congratulations on passing your interview!  My fiancee passed her interview about the same time (November 14th).  Hope you are able to get your visa quickly!


    The reason I wasn't sure if you were from China or the U.S. is because your English is perfect.  :)


    By the way, I just had an idea.  Since you are able to read both English and Chinese, if you do receive any information from 001 in Chinese, could you please keep us informed here?  I wish I could read Chinese and tried to learn for a while, but it really is a very challenging language to learn.





    no kidding...

  9. LaoMao,


    Hi!  I saw your post about being willing to help.  I was wondering, could you please register with the site so I could contact you via email?  Unfortunately, I had to disable anonymous postings (please see Statement of Candle for Love policy and guidelines).


    I would really be grateful for help you could provide. 


    One thing I was looking to do is internationalization, i.e. I wanted to add an extra forum that people who read/write Chinese might be able to use.  Maybe you could help me understand how it works.  For the longest time I couldn't even display Chinese text on my computer, (in the beginning my fiancee sent me a few Chinese emails and I almost tossed them, thinking that the email file had somehow been corrupted).  I had to download something from Microsoft to view it. 


    I am sure you are very busy, but if you have any extra time, it would be greatly appreciated! 





    LOL.. I was the same way.. well Chinese hierogliphs don't show up right unless proper font are downloaded.. then again, I did it,, yet, I still couldn't understand the darn thing ! :)

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