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  1. After seeing the replies to my post, I am beginning to think that I should have given the 30K RMB to mama instead of putting it towards the diamond ring. However, I am still glad that I choose to buy the ring. Is it common to buy a diamond ring for lao po? Did you buy one?
  2. did my wife say i have "shortcomings"? Well, let me think… Maybe my shortcomings include not being able to say “no” to my new ma ma? Just kidding, I love you too.
  3. It all started 4 months ago when I met a Chinese woman in a chat room. We talked for hours about Chinese culture. This woman was unlike any woman I have ever met in my entire life. After a couple weeks of talking on the phone and chatting on line for hours each day, I knew this was the woman I have been waiting for. I flew to china, met her at the airport and married her that same day! I spent 26 days in China. My wife and I traveled to Beijing, Hong Kong, and her home town of Shenzhen. This was an experience of a life time. Everything my wife told me prior to marriage was true. I now know that I made the best decision of my life. A few days before I returned to the USA my wife told me about a strict tradition in China. This tradition requires the son-in-law to pay the mother-in-law for the right to marry her daughter. I could have paid her mother the money immediatly but instead I followed my original plan and I purchased a diamond ring for my wife. Now I am back in the USA, my wife in china tells me that her mother has lost face because I have not paid her mother the 30,000RMB gift. I was saving to return to china to visit her in a couple months. Now I don't know if I dare show up without first paying up. Any similar experiences?
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