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Dan R

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Posts posted by Dan R

  1. Picked upo my visa yesterday. Arrived 10 minutes after they closed. Door was locked. I opened the back exit door. The guard was across the room, waved my passport receipt at him and he waved me in. Two windows finishing the last applicants. Got out in 4 minutes. I applied for single entry but got multiple. I guess China likes me.

    I believe they discontinued single entry visas some time ago and issue multiple entry ones as the standard.

    So they don't like me? :'(

  2. I think she'll be alright as long as she keeps her mouth shut and doesn't apply for citizenship. The green card renewal form doesn't ask if you've ever voted.


    Be honest on forms. Lying is regarded as the worst offense while honesty is rewarded as long as it is reasonable. Having a "bad" answer is not automatic denial.


    Voting by mistake is more common than you would think. They should have a sign saying noncitizens may not vote, if you received voting materials please arrange for removal from voter registration inside. I know several who voted. One was notified of the error after being interviewed for TV outside the polling place.

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  3. Went to the L.A. Consulate yesterday with passport, air ticket itinerary, photo, invitation letter, her ID copy, and the application. She took the passport, photo, application, and itinerary. I asked if she wanted the letter of invitation and her ID copy. The lady at the window said; No, this is fine and gave me the receipt for pickup next week. Don't anyone tell her that the letter she wrote wasn't even needed. Ssshhhhhh..... :shutup:

  4. Portland Oregon. I've lived here since 1991. It is the most beautiful city in the USA IMO. San Francisco is nice but too crowded. Portland has all the advantages of a big city with the feel of a small town. Every neighborhood is like a small city of it's own. We are 1 1/2 hours from the ocean, an hour from Mt Hood. We have two major rivers running right through town, the Columbia and the Willamette. 30 minutes in any direction will put you in the countryside and it's green everywhere you look. My vote for 2nd place could be Ashville NC. Another beautiful place with a great quality of life.



    Yup, I remember how nice it was overlooking the river when I made a quick weekend visit some years back. You even have good public transportation, which is unusual in America.

  5. It is foremost a blood cleanser and a tonic with anti-inflammatory and anti-infection ingredients... The name part "bai feng" is 'white phoenix' as eating the eggs was considered to result in longevity (ie: think improving your blood an kidney functions and reduce any inflammation/infection--you will live longer).


    It helps support the kidneys, liver, and spleen and is considered a yin tonic. The strong Licorice taste is from the root which is considered a great harmonizer of ingredients (it enhances another ingredient's function by balance them out). As there are 12 meridians in TCM, this actually supports really all 12 at once (think balance and harmonizer which is the most important idea in TCM).


    There is a joke among TCM that every chinese doctor will tell you your kidney and spleen are weak and they are probably correct 80% of the time as it is generally true of the most people, even if they don't know this to be true.


    Just research the ingredients:


    Black-bone chicken, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Rehmannia Root, Chinese Angelica root, Cyperus Tuber, Chinese Yam, Ginseng Root, White Peony Root, Red Sange Root, Sweet Wormwood, Arisaema Tuber, Chaunxiong Rhizome, Gordon Euryale Seed, Oyster Shell, Deer Horn, Ovum of Mantis, Licorice Root, Astragalus Root, StarWort Root, Honey.




    What did I feel?


    There was a sense of energy (many ingredients provide this including ginseng, deer, horn, Angelica root, etc) and my digestion process greatly improved (Angelica root, licorice root, etc).


    Anyone who tells you that this is only for women is uninformed.


    By "Black Bone Chicken are you referring to a silkie (used for women's soup? They are small and bluish black skinned.


    I had pneumonia a few years back. It was serious and didn't have insurance. A Korean Acupuncturist friend made a tea I had to drink every day for 3 weeks. tasted terrible but I did it. In just 4 days breathing was easier. It was a simple brew of ginseng and deer horn. Not only did the job but strengthened my lungs so I haven't had anything serious since.

  6. The key is what did they list on the declaration for customs. Many food items and medicines can not be sent to the USA. Of course it will go through if not inspected or declared as something else. If they catch it you lose it. But most inspection is very lax and if not too much money it is worth a try. Unless you live in L.A. or can take the Chinese taxi/mini bus service here (cheap and runs throughout the western states). In L.A. everything Chinese is available irregardless if it is restricted or not.

  7. No bad habits, just that under communism laws don't mean the same as under a Republic. We must follow the law or pay the consequences. There laws that don't tell you what you can say are only suggestions. Like driving on one side of the street. Silly Americans.


    Why did you have to tell the story about your wife demanding to drive? Mine is already talking about me teaching her to drive and she hasn't even gotten to the US yet.

    LOL! That will be one of the joys of this, having to break her of all the BAD driving habits from China.

  8. It seems it is getting easier to bring parents over to visit. A friend just got tourist visas for her parents. She is an only child and parents are retired. She just submitted a letter from her USC husband explaining their plans for them while they visit and submitted their tax return with the visa applications.


    We didn't think they would issue for both of them to come together but they did.


    No Attorny


    Good Luck!!

  9. Urbanization and a high cost of living while wanting to be upwardly mobile seems to be a bigger factor in number of children. Taiwan is now the lowest birth rate in the world with 1 child per woman without a one child policy. Persuing personal goals (among child bearing women) and cost to achieve them seems to determine the modern young woman's child bearing quantity. In the age of women's rights many see no reason to marry or if they do they will wait until much older to have a child.


    The biggest problem is that a shrinking growth rate of the population puts us baby boomers retirement funds at risk. Retirement fund???? Heck it puts ever retiring at risk. :o

  10. Rong found this link on 001....Now I'm not one to generally post links, but I found this one to be exceptional as Rong did also....Is all about food production in the USA...for those with weak stomachs, please feel forewarned...here it is.... http://hd.openv.com/mov_play-hdmovie_20091203_7136982.html



    What's especially interesting is at the end of this when you get to see our FDA representatives and their credentials


    City people have alienated themselves from the farm and where their foods come from. The image is what they want to think and industry plays with it so the squeemish can eat their steak in contentment.


    I have actually met people that eat steak and think it is not from a cow. They actually call it beef animal which some how makes eating them better.


    Thankfullly FDA which rarely inspects and has few controls does not inspect meat or poultry. This is under USDA with daily inspection. Supermarkets are however under your local health department with little control.

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