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  1. Thank's. Every little bit helps.
  2. What is AOS? Is this something you apply for after your fiance' has her visa and is in the country? Should I do it asap?
  3. My sweet Lan got here on Dec. 19 and we have been getting settled in for the last couple weeks. Now I have to get more papers filed but what first? She is kind of bored being home while I am at work since we are in the burbs where you need to drive to get anywhere. I think she might be interested in getting a job at the local Chinese restaurant but she needs a SS# or equivellent. We want to get married in January but I guess we have to apply for a license. Any pointers?
  4. I live north of Denver and I am in the cabinetmaking business. We have built thousands of Starbucks and Barnes and Noble stores among other things. The air quality here is great and so is the skiing. It doesn't compare to the east coast for food and colorful abundant trees. I would be a much larger person today if I was able to indulge like I used to. The first thing I do when I go back to visit is get a cheese steak. Good luck with your process.
  5. Thank's, got it. I was born in West Chester but I moved out to Colorado 8 years ago and every time I get off the plane to visit my parents I hit a brick wall of humidity and pollution. I still like it there but here is where the money is.
  6. Thank's. I don't know how to add our paper trail timeline to my posts in blue like everyone else. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  7. Got visa on 12/4 and waiting on Lan to buy the plane ticket in Nanning. I am hoping for a 12/19 arrival so we can be together for Christmas. Lan has never seen snow other than in pictures before so she will be in for a big surprise when she get's to Denver. Q - What in the next phase to conquer? What forms are next to fill out and send to whom? We need to get married asap but that is cut and dry compared to the other politics.
  8. I usually use Expedia.com. They have tickets for around $1000 for a 1 way trip. I paid $1200 last Feb. to visit round trip and had plenty left for fun.
  9. I use 10-10-987 and it's around $5 an hour. I think they also have a long distance service you can pay monthly for.
  10. Thanks. Lan told me she got a passport last year so all she has to do is make sure everything in the P4 is completed and get to GZ on time for her appointment. I worry like everyone else and fear the worst but usually things have a way of working out.
  11. Her interview is on Dec 2. I will have to ask her if she can get it before then, Thanks
  12. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if my fiance' will get a passport with her visa at the interview?
  13. OOPS, I don't know how I did it but I meant 11/24/2003
  14. Hi. Add 1 more to the list. We have an appointment date of 12/2. I sent out my I-129f on 11/24/04 and finally here is the last step before the first step on American soil. The frustration will soon be over. Good luck to everyone else still waiting for P4's.
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