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  1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone might have some help here. My mother-in-law will be coming for a visit to the USA for the first time this weekend. She doesn't speak any English. I had an idea that I could provide her with a letter to carry with her that she could show people at the airport explaining where she is from, where she is going, her language issues, etc. That way she can maybe get some help when she feels lost. We are picking her up at the POE so there is no flight changes but I know how crazy it can be to come to a new country for the first time and it must be worse for her because she can't speak English and she has never even flown before. My wife also had an idea that maybe we should give her a letter to hand to the customs officer? Does anyone think this is a good idea? I am not really sure what I would write in there. If you have any examples of either of these types of letters that I could use as a guideline I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Mike and Liying
  2. just wanted to let you know that (unbeknownst to my wife) i didn't submit any photos with our cr1 package. we got our approval with no problem. of course she intends to bring many photos with her to the interview. wedding photos and photos of us together on our trips. i wouldn't worry about it too much. my wife worries much more than me, but if you read the directions and provide exactly what they ask for, you have no reason to be denied
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