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Posts posted by xulei601

  1. Ok, taking everybody's advice, we will not schedule the medical check for the day before the interview. For some reason that's the way I thought it was done. Now we'd like to get it taken care of early. We live in Shenzhen, so it's not much trouble to go to Guangzhou, but staying in a hotel can get expensive. So, if we go to GZ just for the medical check, about how many days are we gonna be stuck there waiting for results? I really don't know how this works. I thought you got the examination and then they sealed everything up in an envelope all in the same day. I now believe I'm mistaken, but hopefully you can give me some more precise information about how long the whole process takes from beginning to end.




  2. Interview is just around the corner, so I've got some medical exam questions:


    1) Is there any reason why we should schedule the medical exam more than one day before the interview? I mean, is there ever a situation where the exam presents a problem and she is asked to return to the hospital the following day?


    2) There are two hospitals to choose from in GZ. Is one more preferable than the other, besides the 200 kuai difference in price?


    3) What if she does not have records of her vaccination history, but a pretty good idea of the shots she has had? (Also, her dad says she had the Measels shot, but not Mumps and Rubella. I thought MMR were always done together. Did any of your SOs also only get the Measels shot as kids?)


    4) Does somebody at the hospital put EVERYTHING in order for the interview, including financial stuff, evidence, etc. or just the medical stuff?


    Thanks. Have a couple more questions today, but I'll include them in a different thread.



  3. Haven't had much to post for quite some time. But I'm happy to say we are scheduled for an interview Sept. 8. Assuming this is the end of our visa run it will have taken just under a year. Longer than expected....screwed up a lot of plans....very dissatisfied with much of the process. Glad to be leaving it all behind for a while - China, USCIS, DHS, GUZ, and so on. Thank god for Candle to light us through this mess. See you in the promised land.

  4. I'm gonna make a trip one of these days to GZ to have my financial affidavit notarized. We are currrently waiting for P4. Do any of the P4 documents pertain to me, the US petitioner, and do they need to be notarized? I hate going to Guangzhou, so I'd like to take care of everything at once.


    Also, this notarization service, has anybody done it at the consulate? Can it be done anytime during working hours? It'd be nice if I could just do it when we make the trip for her interview, do it the day before or something. Any ideas or experiences with this?

  5. They also are used to create revenue for the local community by ticketing those who do not follow instruction of the signs properly.

    I am constantly trying to figure out why China doesn't enforce traffic regulations through ticketing. They would make a friggin' fortune! When I discuss this with others they simply say it's because most drivers don't know the laws. But wouldn't they be forced to learn, and abide? We're talking about a potential billion dollar industry here for the government. I just can't get my mind around the apparent apathy.


    What was this thread about, anyway?

  6. I wrote to GZ to find out if my SO had passed her name check. This is the response I got:


    Thank you for your inquiry. The subject mentioned case is about to be

    scheduled for a visa interview. Once we schedule the case, we will mail an

    appointment packet to the applicant. Due to the huge number of applicant, it may take a few months to schedule.



    Sounds good to me! I guess that means the name check is complete and we're almost there? The prediction date for my P4 is late July....do you think there is cause here to expect it a little sooner than that?



  7. I would like to subscribe to a magazine or newspaper that she can read in the car

    Whatever language you speak, reading while driving is just plain dangerous.

    Even the street signs?

    In China, especially the street signs. Follow the traffic rules and you'll be out of step with every other motorist on the road. Dangerous indeed. Street signs are mainly there to provide extra income for the migrant workers, who steal them and sell them as scrap metal.

  8. Hi Mengxin,


    I had a hell of a time getting my fiance's (our) address changed. But we were working against the clock. If it's not pressing, don't sweat it. Just send GZ a fax with her new address. E-mail would of course be easiest, but by some inanity their computer system cannot handle Chinese script.


    In my case, I faxed and then a few days later e-mailed to confirm that they got it. They hadn't got it yet (I think they pile up just like regular mail). We were expecting P-3 to be sent any day, so I requested, by e-mail, that they call my fiance so she could tell them the address. They called her mobile phone the following day and P-3 was sent an hour later.

  9. The only splitting hairs on the 'translation' text is that the text does not explicitly say that the translator is 'qualified to translate to english' or "fluent in english".... but implicitly states this by saying they are in conformity with the chinese....

    That's what I was a tad worried about, but hopefully you're right - the translators ability is certainly implied. Also, the notary kept assuring us that they had done this many times....which is apparently why they felt justified in asking for the shirt off my back as payment. I may hold the record for highest overall cost of obtaining and translating documents.

  10. Hi,


    After lots and lots of stress, RMB, and guanxi, my SOs docs have been translated. Now, I just want to make sure the finished product is correct.


    Big white booklets, one for each doc (BC, Police Reports, Single Certificate); 3 copies of each. Check.


    But what about the BC? It is a statement rather than what I expected of a birth certificate. Just says: "This is to certify that ****, female, was born on **** at *******. Her father's name is **** and her mother's name is ****." Followed by a signature, stamp, etc. Does that sound about right?


    Also, the note from the translator is not an exact match with what I've seen mentioned on this list. It says: "To whom it may concern, This is to certify that the English translated copy attached of (sic) NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE (2005) **** are in conformity with the Chinese original copy of NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE." Signature, stamp, etc. Will that do?


    Going to Hong Kong for a couple of days, but hope when I return I'll find a thumbs up from the group and a message to "Stop worrying, already!"


    Happy International Labor Day - which means a week-long holiday in China! :D

  11. MarkD, I can commiserate with you. The birth certificate was our biggest obstacle (and it may still be, yet).


    I've got a similar question: we have a birth certificate, but it's not perfect (that story is way to long and confusing to expound upon here). I wonder if they will ever ask to see that original document, or is the notorized/translated booklet all they look at?

  12. Is there a way to track the progress of your case? I originally used the USCIS site, but it has not been updated since my case was forwarded to NVC. I get the feeling others are following their case past this stage (a recent discussion of what "touched" means made me wonder why I'd never seen that word). Should I be using a different site or just stick with e-mailing Guangzhou?



  13. Hi Matt,


    One thing I might as is to check in again with the mail room as the expected arrival of P4 draws near (3-4 months after P3). Staff could change, or they might just forget. Maybe even take them a couple packs of cigarettes or a bag of fruit to really get them working on your side!


    Good luck!


    btw, I'm just a little ways down the expressway from Guangzhou - Shenzhen.

  14. Hey Matt,


    I'm in the same situation as you. I was freaked out about ever receiving P3 because the only address they had for her was our residential address on campus - which of course no mail is ever delivered to. I was finally able to change her address to "c/o ME, Foreign Affairs Dept." and received a P3 on each of the following two days, one addressed to our apartment, and one to me in the F.A.D. Both made it to me because I'd given my waiban a heads up and he gave the mail room a heads up (just as you had planned to do). I would get the waiban (FAO) involved, as the mail room staff might take it a little more seriously.


    P3 was a regular EMS parcel so I expect P4 to the be the same, but I have no experience. I think I will have moved by the time they ever send it, so I'll have to panic all over again.


    What school do you work at, by the way?

  15. I've got the same question. We'd planned to take carry as much heavy stuff as possible, and then send clothes and other lightweights on the slow boat. What's this about horror stories? I'd love to hear them, or be directed to them, so I can make a good decision regarding that. I also have about a 200 book library here that I don't want to leave behind. I know there is some kind of special "book rate" but this is probably about 50 of books - too much for the airplane and most likely bloody expensive to send.

  16. Hey guys, I don't want to know what the priority date is because then it would piss me off if we were no where near it. And I do not need anymore help in that area. I think this has been long enough already but it ain't over yet. And yes I know there are others like you Feathers268 that have been waiting long before us but I for one am ready to get this over with and get her here.




    Hey Bill, I think you should consider changing your online moniker. The one you are using is just seems so misleading. :rolleyes:

  17. of the rest of the items she will collect together).



    So, Yes!!    Fill out 3 forms (4 if you count the one in two languages), check off all boxes, sign ,  and return ASAP.

    When I read this my heart momentarily jumped into my throat. Just so there is no confusion, you should only check the boxes which apply to you (on the OF169).

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