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  1. TOP 10 signs you will get hit by the Typhoon 10/ You are at this very moment staring at a 30 ft high wall of water going 100 mph 9/ The director of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center personally calls to leave a message on your voice-mail 8/ Last time you got hit was 1923... Statistically, you're screwed 7/ They ran out of Typhoons names midway through the season... Now starting using middle names too 6/ You're a Typhoon chaser using only a barometer for "scientific research" in a dinghie 1500 miles SW of Hawai 5/ You got hit by lightning 4 times in the past 6 months. 4/ You win the lottery a lot. Great at hitting 1 in 10 gazillions chances. 3/ Smart move to shop for a underground bunker ! 2/ Current Typhoon in the pacific has the same first name than your last bitchy girlfriend. Back for revenge, are we? 1/ You need excitement in your life.
  2. Not unless there is a social security convention between China and the U.s ( Like between France and the U.S ) I can safely bet there is none.
  3. I found out because I am married to a Chinese citizen, I can get a multiple entry 24 months sweetie visa from China embassy / consulate. Ain't that sweet? Actually, said sweetie is getting a 3 year sweetie visa to the E.U just cuz I'm also a European national. Say what?? 2 year CHI visa and a 3 year E.U visa? I think I'm getting a raw deal here.
  4. Hi Amaro, Yes she is petitioned also. We included her on the I-129f. Already have signed and notarized documents from her father. She is 9 years old and we are great friends...talk on QQ here and there. DNA test? Pictures of her and her mother from infancy? Surely you jest? No, I am very much serious. There was a guy there the same day my fiancee had her interview and his fiancee got a blue slip. The Visa Officer wanted to see proof that her daughter really was her daughter. So now he is in a limbo and the visa is delayed. So just prepping you for the interview, get the additional pictures or DNA test so when the VO ask for it at the interview, you got it. aaaah. Chinese gals. Can't kill'em. Gotta love'em :-) Mine survived 7 years already !! Woohoo !!
  5. You also have to remember, this might be a natural reaction. One tends to revert to mother tongue while in company of others with the same language. It does not necessarily reflect they want to leave you out, but one ( i.e the dude/ dudette speaking Chinese ) should be aware of that, so they can inject English from time to time... When going to France ( French is my native ) I always catch me speaking too much French with family ( they speak English ) in front of my Chinese wife, whose French is pretty much limited to...Merci... So I switch to English half the way so wifey is OK, although my family's English is not that great.. Compromises boys and girls, the key to relationships :-)
  6. 10/ Too busy with the owl sex life in my national park study thing grant 9/ Well, yes, I DO know Barack 8/ Sorry, on the Riviera right now on this nice yacht.. Please call back in October 7/ Did you say your fiancee's family name was Bin Mc Laden? 6/ I misread your email for a PATHETIC constituent call for help. Was it? 5/Glad you reached me.. Now please, do get lost 4/ Congress is messed up. Why shouldn't I be? 3/ I got it from the IRS that you ain't paying taxes here 2/ What do you think I am Chester? A freakin' good samaritan?? 1/ Get to your file as soon as the intern lets go of my.... well.. ahemm... No, not this!
  7. I hope your senator ain't from KS, In my experience back in 2002 they were useless, almost chastising me about being impatient.. But what the hell! Harass them ! You might get your pic on the GUZ dart board to replace me
  8. Right off the press.... http://www.immigration.com/sites/default/files/dos_electronic_application.pdf SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Department of State's regulations related to the application for an immigrant visa and alien registration, to offer a completely electronic application procedure as an alternative to submission of Form DS-230, the Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration. DATES: This rule is effective August 3, 2010.
  9. Good grief ! A 1,000 smackers for an AOS fee?? Boy, I am glad now that I was part of the GUZ blackhole years ago..
  10. Since AT&T has a iPhone monopoly, unlocking it would require unofficial software to use on other carriers. I am sure it's out there by now. You then can swap SIMS
  11. There is no such thing as a French only visa anymore. Visa is now the Schengen visa allowing entry in and movement within any of the E.U countries ( minus U.K and Ireland , plus Iceland and Norway, although those two are technically not E.U but part of the Nordic Passport Union. ) Short term Schengen is $75 If you happen to be a spouse of a EU citizen of the Schengen zone, you can get a 3 year multiple entries Schengen visa as freebee ( "Family relative" ). That's what my wife has. Eric- French/Us Citizen
  12. What you need for absence longer than 1 year is apply for a REENTRY PERMIT http://www.immihelp.com/greencard/reentry-permit.html Note that the reentry permit does not automatically give you entry. Determination is always made by the border inspectors. You file before you leave the U.S if I recall.
  13. Thanks ! I should have come back earlier.. ROFL ! I just read one of the 30 notable posts about Mick trying to catch up with me on the posts count back in '03..... Ah, we were young and stupid back then.. Anyway, what the heck is a S-7 member ???? When did CDL start giving ranks to the troops???
  14. Thought I'd drop by and see how things were going for all the K-1 'ers and K-1 'ettes out there It's been a long time. I can see some familiar names from recent posts.. Are you guys still waiting for a visa after 8 years or you just having fun? Eric GUZ class of '03 Ft Lauderdale, FL
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