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Visa delivery to the consulate

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Moon :lol: was that you who sent me a pic at Yahoo.com? hehehe

I just sent a reply back offering to put it on line along with the persons handle and when they shot it.


Darn!!! I think this might shed a little light on the stop start nature of the P4 packets. hmm not even sure I'd want to guess how many applications are in one box, than which are K1, K3, Cr-1< etc and the other tourist.student etc ones..


Have you heard from anyone one as of late? any calls you might need to make?


Sorry we missed you in SZ Sunday but I'm sure some good old fashion together time was welcomed! :o Sz is a nice place and that it has a Moon Carol cafe also doesn't hurt.. heheh


Keep us posted.


Mark and Bea

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Oh my LORD!!!


Jeff is this really the GZ DHL storage place?


maybe they run out there and rumage thru the boxes to get your paper work.. page by page day by day and this is the reason for the long delay!! heheheh

I see the water bottle on the left, the open wall at the end, seems like a chinese style of building to me..


Mark and Bea

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