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On 3/7/05, Yang returned to GUZ to submitt a 2nd and final round of overcome docs. We did this after I recieved a letter from William Martin, Chief, IV Unit, saying Yang could return with these documents. To double check, I had my Congressman contact GUZ again, and they confirmed we could return with documents.


So Yang went to GUZ 3/7. The next day the Embassy returned all our docs, without any letter of instruction, or acknowledgement that these docs were reviewed and documented. I was a littled worried, because of the critical nature of this evidence ( see below email), so I had my Congressman email GUZ to find out if they viewed these docs. In the meantime, I also email GUZ. The email dialogue is pasted below.


Please note it has been 21 months since we first filed our fiance visa, and 10 weeks since we submitted our first round of overcome evidence. And we have no idea, or hope, when this will all end and we can be together and start our family.


This is my email to GUZ:


Your reply to my last email: Thank you for your email. It is our procedure

that we collect overcome materials in the morning (Monday through Thursday)

between 9am to 10am, after reviewing by the interviewing officer, all unused

materials will be returned to applicant the next day. A written result will

also be given to the applicant at the same time. If visa can be approved,

the applicant will get a short notice telling when can come to pick up visa.

If disapproved, we will provide a refusal sheet indicating the reason for

the refusal or what to do next. Please have your fiancee follow the

instruction on the refusal


Please note that we fully understand the procedure listed above. My fiance

submitted overcome documents and they were all returned to her without any

sort of letter or notice of what to do next! The above states that " all

unused documents will be returned". I do not understand how the overcome

material we submitted could be classified as unused. Our visa was denied

becuase the interviewing officer felt Yang did not speak english, and

therefore we did not have a sincere relationship. All of the evidence we

submitted on 3/7/05 is critical in documenting our ability to communicate,

and our relationship! How could it all viewed as unused and returned?

Further, Yang recieved no letter or instructions - she was just given her

documents. This all leads me to question if the responsible parties viewed

our documents?

I was in Guangzhou in January, and the Consulate who spoke to us said she

could not answer any questions specific to our case, but we could direct

specific questions to this email address. I have a specific question

regarding my case:

--- Did the responsible parties recieve and document the evidence we

submitted 3/7/05? This is critical evidence, and we must know if you have

recieved it:

-- VHS tape with Yang and I speaking

-- Family pictures

-- Notarized passport

We do understand your Embassy is extremely busy. But conversly, we feel we

have a right to ask specific questions and recieve specific answers. We

thank you for your efforts in getting us this information.


This is their response:


Dear Mr. Dillman,


Thank you for your inquiry. The last time your fiancee submitted additional

documents is in January. Please check the refusal sheet dated 1/12 to see

the reason for the refusal. If it indicated that "we require additional time

to process your application. We will advise you when to return to the

Consulate." , we would not accept additional documents including VHS tape,

photos, Notarized passport. If the refusal sheet indicated that you are

required to submit these documents, then they had been reviewed by the

officer before returning to you.


Your case is under administrative processing now. When we need your fiancee

to return to the Consulate, or if we need more documents, we will notify



Does anyone know what "administrative processing" means?


It seems we have only one chance to prove that we are real. And I am a little pissed that we recieved information sayin gwe could returned with more docs. Yang took a day off from work, paid for a train ticket to give GUZ evidence that would help them is seeing we are the real thing. Unfortunatley it took us some time to compile our evidence. If we had known we had only one chance to submitt, we would have waited. But Yang and I are not politicians or administrators, we did what we thought was right and best.


Thus, we wait again. We are doing our best to maintain our patience, but it is difficult.





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What a nightmare. I'm trying to piece this together. What it sounds like is that Yang returned to GZ in January to submit additional documents following her December interview. It also sounds like GZ took these documents and has a record of this. It also sounds like you attempted to submit additional documents in March and confirmed that you could with the GZ chief of the IV unit. Apparently, the word never made it down to the rank and file, so when you went there in March, they immediately returned these documents. That may be why GZ has no record of this visit.


What seems to be missing is what happened after the first submission back in January. Did Yang get anything from them? If GZ was doing their job, she should have received something on the status, but it sounds like the case is now in administrative processing, which probably means that they haven't reach a decision yet. You may now have entered a new black hole because it's so open ended.


I don't know how important the second submission documents are to your case, but if you believe they are, I would make bigs waves with the IV chief until he agreed to let you bring them in. If the documents are not that important, you might just have to wait until GZ makes a decision.


Good luck.

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Thanks for your input, Frank.

Sorry for the gaps. It seems like there is always so much with our stories, and so little space to relate it all.


Upon her first submission in Jan, she did recieve the yellow slip saying they needed more processing time. That much was clear to us. But we did not see any ploicy regarding 2nd submissions.


Our 2nd submission was very important, as it doucmented our ability to communicate, and alot of other hard evidence in support of our relationship.

This was evidence we did not have the first time we submitted. It took a trip to China for us to tape ourselves, and take pictures of her family and myself. I was not able to get my phone records until after I returned from visiting her. All of this happened after our initial submission.


I have a feeling we may have screwed up by not waiting until we had everything together. We were just both so shocked by her denial, and felt we that needed to get as much as we could in asap. I suppose we panicked and just did not think clearly.


The term "administartive processing" scares me, because it so vague, and almost euphemistic.


I will follow your advice and keep on the Chief of th IV Unit.

Thanks Again

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My understanding of administrative processing is "We really don't know. Don't call us, we'll call you." It may mean a couple of days, or much longer. I got a similar response when I asked when our interview date would be set up, and they ended up setting it up within a few days, and it happened before many other people who received notice earlier.


I'm really sorry to hear about all of your troubles. I agree with Frank, if you believe the second submission information is important, make sure it gets in. They may simply not have a policy until they make a decision on the first submission, which is somewhat understandable, but obviously doesn't help you any. Since the documents show you guys can communicate, keep trying to contact GZ.

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