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Processing times at consulate

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Someone was kind enough to post this at VJ (Not a GZ customer).

I believe I saw it here quite some time ago and it was debated???? Does anyone remember it and when and/or where the discussion might have been posted???


Wish I remembered this BEFORE the letter writing began. :(



9 FAM 41.81 PN3 Processing of K Visa Application


9 FAM 41.81 PN3.1 Timely Visa Issuance

(TL:VISA-501; 12-03-2002)


a. The interview with the consular officer is the most significant part of the visa issuing process. It is particularly important from the point of view of full and correct application of the law. Section 237 of Public Law 106-113 requires that the Department establish a policy under which fianc¨¦(e) visas be processed within 30 days of receipt of the necessary information from the applicant and the INS. The Department expects all posts to strive to meet the 30/60 day requirements.


b. Since the underlying purpose of the LIFE Act is to reunite families, it is important that posts process these cases as quickly as possible. Posts should first process IV cases that are current for processing and for which visa numbers are available. The second priority should be V-1 and K-3 applicants and their children.

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