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Here We Go Again

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Well, here we go again.




For you old timers, what I am about to say should not surprise you. In our case, at every juncture of the process, there has been a foul up. Starting with the initial filing, right up to the present. Anyone remember the Black Hole of 2002? :blink: :ph34r:


So, after 20 months in the States, Li finally received her green card in the mail. Needless to say we were ecstatic! That is, until we looked the card over and discovered they had put down the wrong birthdate. :angry: :angry:


There was a phone number sent in the letter to call if there were any mistakes. So we called. Here are our choices:


We can file an I-90 form to replace the original green card, at a cost of $185 plus another $70 biometric fee (she has already been fingerprinted three times.) Or, we can set up an appointment in Memphis, drive five hours over there and prove that it was their mistake and not ours. Either way, its gonna cost close to $200, just because they screwed up yet again.


I wonder if there is ever an end to this ineptitude? :blink: :angry: :blink:


Pardon my spewing, but I am just fed up! :ph34r:

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I've seen any given number of your posts (along with Eric, Donasho and others) in the past and you've had a he!! of a go there. I would think IF you (and I'm sure you did) submitted the correct DOB (and all the REQUIRED documentation of such) this should DEFINITELY be on them. I had to get the ex wife's "GC" changed MANY, MANY years ago- for the same issue- they used our date of marriage 11-23-XX for her DOB of 1-23-XX. Fighting it may be a long and tedious battle (and I'd venture to say you're getting battle weary at this stage) whereas throwing MORE bucks at the problem is the easy way out BUT I'd come out swinging on this one. Can't you make copies of various paperwork and mail it somewhere? Any place to file a protest to? Guessing the DOB issue might have some kinda rock and hard spot situation for other matters (you're well beyond any the SSN, AP, EAD stage). Using the "GC" for I.D., finicial or employment matters?


I can understand your fustration and don't consider this spewing. This time around I never got a NOA 1 OR 2 out of CSC and I was repeatedly told to file an I-824 and PAY THE $185 fee. It took nine days of calling and TRYING to talk to the supervisiors supervisior BUT it got it FREE.


Good Luck VISA ole timer and I DO FEEL your pain with this latest round of incompetence!

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Well, here we go again.




For you old timers, what I am about to say should not surprise you. In our case, at every juncture of the process, there has been a foul up. Starting with the initial filing, right up to the present. Anyone remember the Black Hole of 2002?  :blink:  :D


So, after 20 months in the States, Li finally received her green card in the mail. Needless to say we were ecstatic! That is, until we looked the card over and discovered they had put down the wrong birthdate.  :angry:  :angry:


There was a phone number sent in the letter to call if there was any mistakes. So we called. Here are our choices:


We can file an I-90 form to replace the original green card, at a cost of $185 plus another $70 biometric fee (she has already been fingerprinted three times.) Or, we can set up an appointment in Memphis, drive five hours over there and prove that it was their mistake and not hours. Either way, its gonna cost close to $200, just because they screwed up yet again.


I wonder if there is ever an end to this ineptitude? :blink:  :angry:  :blink:


Pardon my spewing, but I am just fed up! :ph34r:

Mick, they didn't screw up. They just don't have room in their system to record another LPR with Li's birth date, so they gave her another one. So what if she's 106 years old according to USCISBCISCISINSWHOGIVESANS?


We had a similar problem with KK's (step-daughter) EAD but her name was misspelled. Called the number, and they said to send in proof that it was their screw up - a good thing since I was dealing with Missouri, and I wasn't about to drive half way across the country. The other alternative was to pay the fees again and re-file.


Fortunately, it was their screw-up, and KK received a corrected EAD just the other day.


You might want to double-check about having to go to Memphis. While I realize that the green card is a more valuable document than the EAD, maybe they'll let you mail in your proof like I did.


Oh, in answer to your ineptitude question, the answer is no.

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Oh good grief, Mick. Ain't it time they are done messing with you?


All I can say is if it were me, I'd do whatever I had to in order to get it corrected. Seems like you guys have been married for 2 years now, it should damn well be a 10-year card.


Sorry it hit you again, my friend. I sure miss seeing you around these days.

Thanks for the sentiments Don and others. Yes, we have been married for two years, but we have been together for seven years. (For some of the newcomers, Li and I lived together in China for five years before coming to the States 2 years ago.)


I had hoped we could mail in our evidence that it was their screw up, not ours. Memphis said no dice, we have to come in person. This necessitates taking a 10 hour round trip with an eight month old baby and will, of course, require an overnight stay.


Am I happy??? :greenblob: :greenblob:


Hardly! :greenblob: :ph34r: :redblob:

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Guest blsqueaky

Mick, after all that you have ben through, I am so sorry to hear about another setback. I can just imagaine how fustrated you are. Sine you have to take a trip to Memphis, maybe you can try and make a a mini vacation away from home if Li has never been there, try to make some good out of it. It might releive some of the pent up fustration.


just a thought. Hang in there. It has just got to get better.

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Mick, after all that you have ben through, I am so sorry to hear about another setback. I can just imagaine how fustrated you are. Sine you have to take a trip to Memphis, maybe you can try and make a a mini vacation away from home if Li has never been there, try to make some good out of it. It might releive some of the pent up fustration.


just a thought. Hang in there. It has just got to get better.

Thanks for the suggestion Squeak. Li and I already went on one mini-vacation to Memphis back when she had her AOS interview. That was in December. Guess we may be going back, however. I suppose one can never see Beall Street or the Mississippi River too many times. Plus, they have some great ribs over there. Problem is, taking a baby along is not so easy. Little critter has to have diaper changes fairly often plus gets cranky in the car seat.

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Guest blsqueaky

Hey, you can make it a real enjoyable trip, and stop and see that big new musuem that just opened not long ago. Not going to mention any names,


and I like chinese wife's suggestion, and yes, great ribs, I have just got to get back down there again

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Hey, you can make it a real enjoyable trip, and stop and see that big new musuem that just opened not long ago. Not going to mention any names,


and I like chinese wife's suggestion, and yes, great ribs, I have just got to get back down there again

You think maybe I could pick up one of those velvet Elvis wall paintings at that museum Squeak? I seem to remember Don wanted one. :blink: B)

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Problem is, taking a baby along is not so easy. Little critter has to have diaper changes fairly often plus gets cranky in the car seat.

Mick, Dare I SUGGEST better to handle this MESS at CIS?????? :blink: B) B)

Not a bad idea at all! After all, having to schlep all the way back over there amounts to a load of crap in my book. :D

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Guest blsqueaky
Hey, you can make it a real enjoyable trip, and stop and see that big new musuem that just opened not long ago. Not going to mention any names,


and I like chinese wife's suggestion, and yes, great ribs, I have just got to get back down there again

You think maybe I could pick up one of those velvet Elvis wall paintings at that museum Squeak? I seem to remember Don wanted one. :blink: :P

B) B) :D Yes, but I was also thinking of the other museum, or is it called a library or heck, I can not remember, just remember that it is in Memphis, something to do with a former pres.

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Kicked in some brain cells. I remember some kind of Complaint form for USCIS I pointed out to Clifford (Keelec) over the "N/A" vs. "NONE" issue. Might make Ya feel a wee bit better.

Yo, if a couple more cells wake up perhaps you might provide a link. (Not trying to be a smartass here but I am very poor at searching).

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