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Here We Go Again

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Thanks for the info Chinese Wife.


Like everything else in this process, it would appear that each office does things differently. In our case, we have to go to Memphis, they will not accept faxes or correspondence proving it was their mistake. We have to go in person.


If it was their mistake, and it was, we won't have to pay. I haven't given them any money and won't unless they can prove it was our mistake, which it was not.


Will probably set up appointment in Memphis for next month. They said to call and set up the appointment "at our convenience." I told them I didn't think a 10-hour round trip to Memphis would be "at our convenience" under any circumstances. :lol:


Will keep folks posted as to how all this pans out.

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  • 2 months later...

I'll add my 2 cents. KK, my step-daughter got her green card, but her given name was misspelled - the same problem she had with her EAD. Called the number and like Mick, had to go in person via an Infopass appointment. Fortunately. we live in Atlanta.


So I prepared the I-90 and attached a copy of the AOS filings as proof that the screw up was the government's, not mine. Went down today, got in line to get a number and was told we needed fingerprints despite the biometrics having been completed. Well, off to another line to get fingerprints (the old fashioned way, which is a no-no for a Chinese woman - how dare the government make me put dirty ink on my fingers.) Fortunately, no charge for the fingerprints. Then back in line to get a number so we could wait some more.


After about two hours, we were finally called. and I handed the I-90 to the lady along with the copy of the I-485 and attachments. "What's that for?", she asked. "Just to show you it wasn't may mistake." "Don't need it" she said and proceed to remove the I-90 and photos from the packet. I could tell today was not her best day.


After a few minutes, she said what proof do I have that it was the government's mistake. "Well, here's the I-485 and attachments that show the correct spelling of KK's name, you know that same stuff that you said wasn't necessary." We then proceed to have a discussion about the intelligence of the visa processors who can't seem to tell the difference between a "G" and a "Q". After a few minutes, she finally noted "fee waiver" on the application and then said I needed something official with her name on it. Here, take a look at the passport. "Nope won't do. Let me see her birth certificate." "Fine, it's in that packet of information that you said you didn't need." I then gave the I-485 and attachments back and opened it up to the section with KK's birth certificate in it. "But this doesn't have her name on it." 'What? A birth certificate without a name on it? How about taking a look here at the top where it says 'this is to certify that Chen Qiqi was born on...'" "Hmmph, okay."


She then stamped KK's passport with an interim stamp evidencing temporary lawful admission for permanent residence. "How long to get the new green card?" "Maybe 6 months to a year." The temporary stamp is good for a year. Any bets on whether we'll be back down there next year to get another stamp?


I'd love to say this little story was embellished, but the truth is often stranger than fiction.

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