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Will dry cleaning and laundry washing become an official Olympic sport?


By D.G. Bulger


The Chinese government has reportedly made a formal request to the International Olympic Committee to allow dry cleaning and laundry washing to become official Olympic sports.


Unfortunately, their request was made too late to be considered for this summer's games in Athens. However, it is widely believed that the IOC will approve the measure in time for the 2008 Summer Olympics, which will be held in Beijing, China.


"Most host countries are allowed to introduce a few demonstration sports that often reflect the interests or activities of that particular country," explains an IOC spokesperson. "For example, snowboarding was an experimental sport at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games. It only seems right that we offer the same courtesy to the Chinese."


To read the rest go here and find "You Heard It Here First"


Lord, I apologize for all the people I'm about to offend.

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