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Plug for the Unofficial CFL Rumpus Room

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To all the newbies and long lost Rumpus Room flunkies.


The Unofficial CFL Rumpus Room is still open and awaiting participation from those of you who want to get a little crazy.


History: Once upon a time, CFL began getting many posts that were off topic, off-color, political and down-right raunchy. Well these misfit posts had to have a place to go, so the CFL Rumpus Room was created, a members only club for the unoffended and unaffected.


It was fun and many of us blew off steam, laughed it up and had some very good discussions about things not related to China. We were all tied by the CFL thread and our common cause, but it provided us with adifferent type of connection.


Unfortunately, the political season brought out the worst in some of us and emotions got out of hand for a few people and the Rumpus Room was justifiably closed down.


This left a big hole for some of us, which resulted in Jason creating the Unofficial CFL Rumpus Room. We still have the open forum for jokes and off-topic discussion, we even have a political forum which is moderated by myself, Carl and Jason. Even so, I think many people have been reluctant to get into that arena again while the campaigns and elections were going on. Now that it's all over, I think it's safer to come back into the water.


So come on over and join us for some fun, you don't have to get political, but you can get silly. Personally, I can only focus so much on China, the visa process and getting my lovely wife over here, I need another outlet. The UCFLRR provides that outlet.

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