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Roommate has stopped eating dinner

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cut gourd in half and hollow the center.  Melt butter and brush the entire surface.  Sprinkle brown sugar over the butter then fill cavity with diced apple.  Brush apple with butter and sprinkle on more brown sugar and a little cinnimon.  Bake at 350 for about one hour.

Mmmm, this one sounds even better yet! Combining the sugar with the apple and the butter. Wow! :-)


Would you carmelize the apple first before adding, or bake it together?


Thanks for the wonderful recipes.

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Everything tastes better with sugar.


I have about the worst diet in the world, I work at night, so I eat and sit at a time when my metabolism wants to slow down.


I'm also so tired when I get off work I don't want to do anything but sleep, let alone work out or cook anything healthy.


Since I work at a residential facility for kids, I get to eat for free, but it's the high carb, sugar packed processed food they feed the kids.


I think I've gained 10 pounds in the last month.


I've had the butternut squash with brown sugar and apples. It is very good.


One thing I do manage to do is drink soy milk. I just checked the label and it is "calcium fortified", 30% of the daily recommended per serving, but I always have more than a serving.


The one thing that bugs me is how expensive it is to eat healthy. We teach our kids to eat sugar, fast food and nutritionally empty food because it's the cheapest thing going. The soy milk I buy costs about twice as much as regular milk. Fruits and vegetables seem to be much cheaper in a can than off the produce rack. Why?


The kids I work with are fed the cheapest crap the facility can get away with, yet they would probably benefit most from a healthy diet.

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Yeah, RMark,


You are so right --- the people at the lowest end of our society always get the highest caloric food --- and with the least amount of forethought about its long term nutritional value. (or lack of)


There was a time in America (1950's and before) when the lowest blue collar jobs still very much involved hard physical work ---manual labor that burns the fat on a daily basis --- so the high calorie diets had a purpose....


I had an interesting discussion with my future Father in law this summer ---- I took the extended family (and friends) to a dinner in YueYang --- and we were served a pork dish -- very traditional --- one third meat --- two thirds glistening fat --- I think we have all been served these kinds of dishes in China --- and the fat is supposed to be a sign of well being....


My future Father in law raised the issue with me: That during the times of great want in China, this would be a wonderful dish --- but that now, it is unnecessary. Because we (in China) have sufficient food, and like America, manual laborers don't live hand to mouth anymore --- or work so hard that they need that kind of fat (ratio of fat to meat) in their diet. My future Father in law is a very smart man...


Mark, I sincerely hope you will soon find your ShuPing by your side... (yes, even in bed!)





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cut gourd in half and hollow the center.  Melt butter and brush the entire surface.  Sprinkle brown sugar over the butter then fill cavity with diced apple.  Brush apple with butter and sprinkle on more brown sugar and a little cinnimon.  Bake at 350 for about one hour.

Mmmm, this one sounds even better yet! Combining the sugar with the apple and the butter. Wow! :-)


Would you carmelize the apple first before adding, or bake it together?


Thanks for the wonderful recipes.

I just bake the apple

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I agree about sardines~!  (so do my girls)  almost a perfect food --- and a fish so down on the food chain that it is almost free of mercury.....

Great news! I have been so worried about too much mercury, given that all of the water off of boston gets all of that mercury from the midwest.


Luckily, I have always been a bit fond of sardines (thanks to my father).


I think that I once saw a recipe where they can make a lovely addition to tomato sauce for those who are less adventerous, but still want to include them in their diet.

We were drinking 80 cent beer at the Portofino Inn in Redondo Beach one afternoon, and the bartender (some guy named Yates :lol: ) said we should have his special pizza. So, he ordered it for us. We opened the box and there was a pizza chock full of anchovies. What the hell was this, we asked. "Deep dish double dead fish pizza" was his reply. :lol:

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We were drinking 80 cent beer at the Portofino Inn in Redondo Beach one afternoon, and the bartender (some guy named Yates :lol: ) said we should have his special pizza.  So, he ordered it for us.  We opened the box and there was a pizza chock full of anchovies.  What the hell was this, we asked.  "Deep dish double dead fish pizza" was his reply. :lol:



I guess that he really, really, needed you two to be extremely thirsty (from the salt in the sardines) so that he could make some profit off of his really cheap beer! Did you try it? How was it?


I for one, although enjoying sardines, do not think that I could enjoy them in such a large concentration. What did my grandmother say, something about everything in moderation. And while I do disagree with this (for me, things like murder should be never, and spending time with my darling should be as much as possible!) sometimes, in this case, I think it should be the rule...


But it certainly brings back memories of my undergrad days and what we used to try to scrape by on some days. :lol:

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