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Jim ~!  Great to hear it went so smoothyl for Juxin !!!


.....  was hoping for a report from you !  


I'm with Carl, hope we get a chance to meet her soon!


Warmly, Kim

That's great..


I would like to meet all the Oregon couples in a few months as I don't have Yi here yet.. but Im close...

Yes, welcome to CFL ghall! Another Willamette Valley local! What's with the Willamette Valley, must be something in the water??

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Of course I must also join in for the big congratulations.  I think the VO never had a question in his mind when he saw how she felt.  It is easy for them to approve people who have an easily readable personality like you obviously have, going by your writing, and I assume she must be that way too.  Not that people who have a reserved kind of demeanor are lacking in love, far from it, but it perhaps is more possible for them them to be wrong in that kind of case.  Thank you for your excellent storytelling and Portland should be thankful to have a bit of sunshine added to their climate.

You are absolutely correct Robert (as usual), I think her character and personality type did play a factor in the interview. It shouldn't be that way, but I do think that interviewees who are a bit more assertive, agreessive, and clever end up with better results than those who are not.


As you said, I do have an easily readable personality, as does Juxin. And I think this kind of "transparency" or whatever you want to call it comes across as honesty and sincerity and passion (rightly so!) which of course scores big points with the VO.


Obviously, the interviewee's english skills play a monumental factor. Perhaps THE deciding factor. It shouldn't, but it does.


I told Juxin to be agreesive during the interview, if need be. I told her that if the VO starts to give her crap, that she should give him hell :lol: and tell him off, IN ENGLISH! As in, if the VO said "I don't see enough phone records", then I told Juxin that she should just start flapping her gums and start spitting out a bunch of engllish in return. Perhaps "We talked on the phone every day for 2 or 3 hours and every more on the weekends and he called me from work and from home and he got up at 6 am each morning to do that and he called from his mon's house and I talked to her many times also and ... and ... and".


Such a response ended up not being necessary, but! Juxin was quick-on-her-feet and used her language and social skills well when the VO asked for her expired passport (which she didn't have). Instead of saying "don't have" or "cannot", she cleverly noticed that the VO was looking at something else and she quickly turned the conversation around back to him and moved the conversation along to the Malaysia police report. Almost as if making the VO forget his original request to see the police report. Bless her heart, I love you Juxin!!!


So my advice is, for all you who have an interview coming up, tell your sweetie to ham it up a bit during the interview if necessary. Talk, talk, and talk some more. Even if the english isn't so good, try anyway. Just let a bunch of words come falling out, even if they are broken and somewhat unintelligible, just keep the jaws flapping and show that you are passionate about your case and don't let the VO walk all over you. Don't be rude or demeaning, that will get you a blue slip, but show some vigor, if necessary! I think most interviews go so smoothly that not much extra effort is required.

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CONGRATS JIM AND JUXIN !!! Welcome to the USA!!!

geee, so I'm guessing that in your case, the end result does justify the wait .  .  .  :lol:  :)  :P

Glad to hear your good news and thanks for all of your posts!

A big affirmative YES on that one ... everything was well worth the wait!!!!!! It was so hard waiting and waiting, the anxiety was painful at times, but now all that has faded away and the skies have cleared and the sunshine is shining so bright (figuratively speaking). I love you Sunshine!!!! :P :D

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Slight exaggeration, Don ... but yeah, this year the rains set in early --- were here by the end of August. But to make some lemonade out of the situation --- best mushroom season in the quarter century I've lived in Oregon!


Sloggin' around in the woods in the rain looking for mushrooms! Can't beat it!!


Great post about attitude in the interview Jim ---- if we ever get there, think Fei will certainly be assertive too (she has already told me she will speak only English) ... still a little worried ... Fei, the VO is not a cabbie...

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Guest blsqueaky
A belated but hearty congratulations to you guys.  I've been out of pocket, but it's so nice to get back online and read the good news.

The same from me Jim. Congrats and enjoy life now.

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--- best mushroom season in the quarter century I've lived in Oregon!


Sloggin' around in the woods in the rain looking for mushrooms!   Can't beat it!

I used to live on the Oregon Coast, Seaide and Cannon Beach. What KIND of mushrooms are you out picking? :huh: :huh: :P B)

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Guest blsqueaky
FOOD mushrooms Gene !


Strictly FOOD ~!    B)

Yeah right Kim, probably to go along with some of that Oregon Beer, or that Washington beer (if they can really call it that) :huh: :huh:

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Guest blsqueaky
MARK :o  You say that like Olympia or Ranieer is a low class Beer!!!!! :o  :o


:D "It's the Water" :D

Shoe fits, wear it. I know that when I was there, late 70's, I did enjoy the Raineer, until I was able to get Coors, and back then, try and order that in a bar. Tried one nite, and sitting at the bar were 2 drivers, one Olympia and the other Raineer. Ohhh, if looks could kill.

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One more time.... FOOD! ... as in that French word probably.... "Chantrelles" taste great! (and at $12.00 per lb. in the "specialty" grocery ---- well worth finding your own...)


Yeah, I miss Rainer "pounders" --- hey OTRMark ... didn't we have a conversation about this in about April?? --- Rainer Beer is lke playin' oldies on the radio--- both take me back to a "younger" time ---- (won't admit to being old.... :o )

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