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Hello. I have a question. What is a P3 and P4 and is paperwork and communication with GZ on my end here in U.S. done? My Fiance' is in Nanning and is waiting for an appointment. I e-mailed GZ consulate a few weeks ago (few meaning about 3) and they replied back quickly with "Based on our current schedule, it appears that the interview will occur in about 4-5 months". I think Lan (my beautiful fiance') sent the P3 to GZ in June.

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I hope I understand your post correctly. P3 (shorthand for Packet 3 - NOA1 and NOA2 being the first two) is the first of two packets of instructions and documents that your fiancee receives from GZ. Apparently, your fiancee has already sent in the applications and forms contained in the P3.


The P4 also comes from GZ and contains the appointment letter, more instructions, and more forms.


Your work is not quite done. You will have to provide your fiancee with an Affidavit of Support (I-134) so she can take it to the interview. Hopefully, you have helped her with the P3 documents which can be confusing and will help her with the P4 documents as well. Unless you are planning on being in GZ during the interview, even though you can't attend, you should also make sure that you send her all the supporting documents like e-mails, pictures, and anything else that proves a valid relationship.


Many people at CFL, including myself, highly recommend that you try to be in GZ while your fiancee is there if you can afford the time and money.


Good luck.

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