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Ok Tony. I don't agree with you about that comment, but I do believe in preserving the peace here so I won't press the issue further.


I just generally do not take well to having a bible wagged at me, or being chastised for asking someone to pray for me, as if it was done out of selfishness. There are things I have not posted here because they are private matters, but I can assure everyone it's not about "me". Maybe I reacted too strongly, maybe not - but I do not apologize.


However, bringing more "negativity" onto this board was not my intent. If anyone feels I have, then I WILL apologize for that much. I have often attempted to be a voice of reason here when tempers were flared, maybe I wasn't as sucessful as I had intended, but I would hope all of you who know me know I am not a hateful person.


that's all.

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I do believe in preserving the peace here so I won't press the issue further. 


I just generally do not take well to having a bible wagged at me, or being chastised for asking someone to pray for me, as if it was done out of selfishness.

At the risk of being labeled a "sour grape in the bunch" I note that I took notice of this the other day but withheld comment. I have my own personal beliefs in a Higher Power (that is other than Christian based). I did get a little upset with the post directed at JP and hope that overt religious comments get the same moderation that politics do. Hope I haven't offended someone's feelings- but these are mine. Richard

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by Helen_wang

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Tony, my translation skills are pretty limited, but it seems to me that this woman is really seeking help in trying to decide what to do about two apparently good men. My read of the letter suggests that after Eric, she met Richard and is now is a quandry as to what to do. Isn't that the question she is asking at the end of the letter?

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You may have to change your regional settings (Start/Settings/Control Panel) to ensure that the computer can display Chinese characters. In Windows, the procedure varies from version to version, but in XP you can click on the Regional and Language Options and go to the Advanced tab and add Chinese (PRC).

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it isn't nice to post someone else's personal message in a public forum without this person's knowledge,


...and I don't see anything wrong that she (Helen Wang) does.


tell me... what's wrong with her? before anyone settle into marriage, isn't she/he has a right to make a choice?


... or is it a bad thing to do to accept gifts from admirers?


... ask yourself before blaming the others... do you chatting; dating; keep relationships with more than one women/men before committing in marriage?

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it isn't nice to post someone else's personal message in a public forum without this person's knowledge,


...and I don't see anything wrong that she (Helen Wang) does.


tell me... what's wrong with her? before anyone settle into marriage, isn't she/he has a right to make a choice?


... or is it a bad thing to do to accept gifts from admirers?


... ask yourself before blaming the others... do you chatting; dating; keep relationships with more than one women/men before committing in marriage?

But enight... they are in the K-1 process which means they are ENGAGED... and unless I'm a retard in the ethics department, engaged people should not be seeing other people. Dating multiple people should be done with by the time you have become engaged. Also, even if dating, I would never date more than one person without everyone I am dating knowing.


If this guy is sitting in the states just waiting for her visa to come so they can get married, and she is dating someone else, and he is in the dark... that isn't "playing the field" that's deception pure and simple.


If she wants time to date other people, she should tell him - freeing him to do the same. And even if they remained engaged... that would be in letter only, not in spirit. Engagement is monogamous. period.

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Yeah Jeikun...I agree with you... if they are engaged, then they should not date someone else.


but K1 isn't really equal to Engagement, otherwise, K1 would be considered an immigrant visa, and it wouldn't set a 3 months period to let the 2 of them determine whether they are suitable to each other.

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