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Small Culture Clash

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I don't claim to be so sophisticated that I would frown on red wine with fish but it drives me a little nuts the way this wife of mine has got to always eat something when she wants me to break out the fine whiskey. Here in the Deep South we have an understanding and appreciation for the artistry involved in making an excellent distillation and we feel there is no call for diluting the pleasure of drinking top-notch spirits. I have been able to tolerate her eating her homemade radish pickles along with my Elijah Craig, and I have just sighed and rolled my eyes when she always says "in China people always eat something if they drink whiskey." There was no use in trying to explain to her that I doubted whether the quality of what they drink measures up to what I have in my cabinet. But tonight I had to insist that it was just plain wrong to want to eat watermelon while drinking Remy Martin Cognac. She gave in, this time, but my mood was already spoiled. We drank a little anyway. I guess I ought to save my money and buy the cheap stuff. B)

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You know Robert, there is only one way to handle this.


You have to sit her down with some of that Chinese hooch they like over there and a shot of fine, home-made moonshine, the really smooth kind. Have her compare the two and explain, Chinese must eat to kill the terrible taste of their liquor, while Americans (particularly southern Americans), like to taste their liquor, which, as she can see herself, is worth tasting.


If, on the other hand, she doesn't see the logic in that, you give her the Chinese hooch and all the dumplings she can eat, while you enjoy the fine flavor of your moonshine and don't eat anything.


When she's puking her guts up, make sure you tell her what a good idea it is to eat while you drink.


That should do it.

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At least she's drinking it and not cooking with it. B)

Have you been enjoying your soup made with 12-year-old scotch?

Can't seem to get her to stop using the Scotch, but I've hidden the really good stuff. :D I have taught Jingwen to drink Scotch straight, with just a cube or two of ice. Even though she is not a drinker, she does enjoy a short glass every now and then.

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All I can say is I wish I had this so called "Whiskey problem" you mention. My g/f is on the other side of the world and will be for about 8-12 more months and if she could be here tomorrow, I would be fine with her eating anything with any drink.


C'mon...who cares... B)


The ability to mesh cultures and not be hung up on these little things is what leads to a successful relationship. We hope this is your biggest problem, cause if so, you guys are doing great! Congratulations!


Have fun......


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Hey Robert,


When I was still going to school in Southern Maryland, many years ago, I started to develop a taste for burbon ... not even the best stuff... so much so that I had to back away. My father was a big burbon drinker, too much --- Didn't want to follow his path.


Still drink a lot of beer, and because Portland has several highly skilled microbreweries, it is a statisfying substitute...


But yeah, very satisfying; a small heavy, nicely shapped glass -- cube or two of ice ---- crystal clear if you can find it ---- and that wonderful amber liquor.....


Do think there is something fundimentally different between Çhina and the west regarding liquor ---- sipping with my future father in law what was supposed to be China's finest --- its clear that they are intentionally--- distilling the most objectionable impurities IN --- rather than trying to refine them OUT...


Can't speak with authority about the control thing since Fei isn't here yet, but my guess is that, as it was visiting her, most of my decisions will be the same as hers....


..... how does she do that?

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