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Hmmm,perhaps a little late

Guest DragonFlower

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Guest DragonFlower

While this is not the proper place for this.

I find that some people's indescretion's have robbed us at CFL of a proper place.So,I will put here,because it needs to be said.







Subject: start a war that will be won by none

Name: Dragonflower

Date Posted: Sep 11, 04 - 11:00 AM

IP Address:



Wars all around us.

Small personal wars.

Planet engulfing wars.

We are humans ,we will fight for what we believe.



So there is a line from a song,60's,I forget who sang it.





I suppose it does not matter,those of us old enough remember it.And remember other things about that time.Some things are worth fighting for somethings are more questionable.We are all individuals and we all see things from our own skewed veiwpoint.Nothing wrong with this,It's perhaps one of the things that led to the founding of our country.


I make this post somewhat in response to discussions of VN.But not about it.This thought I hope to convey is that each individual person decides how to handle their rememberances of the events in their life.So I will relate an experience from my own about life and war.


My father joined the Navy in '39,he got out in '45 after marrying my mother.He was in the south pacific most of the time.He was on the Enterprise when it sailed out of Pearl on Dec. 6,They came back to port on the 8th.He was there and helped to haul the broken bodies of his comrades out of the sea.This and many other things I know he experienced in 6 years.


But let me relate this fact-In the 35 years of my life,that my father was living.

He NEVER talked to me about his war experiences.

They were his private thoughts,and that was his decision.


So now we see people who wish to relate their experiences,and we see others who's thoughts are as private as my father's.Some people have the need to share their life experience's,find that sharing,a part of healing.Other's have dealt with it in their own way.


We should demean neither for their choice,nor should we demean the one's who did not personally experience for bringing the subject up.

What we should do is show respect for a person's decision's either way.

Unfortunately our politics this year is tied into todays issues and yesterday's issues.Touching many who have lost and suffered,emotions are very polarized.ME,my son in law is a Marine,he has already done a tour in Iraq and will probably return for another.He chose to join the Marines,has re-enlisted many times.He could quit anytime,but this is not his choice.

I think Iraq is something that needed doing.MY lament is that political pressure kept BUSh Sr. from finnishing what Saddam started in the first place.Info from the 9/11 report does strongly suggest that Bin Laden might have landed in Iraq ,had he been chased out of Afghanistan.I do get tired of the US having to be the "world Police".I think every country involved should be right there with us,NATO is ridiculus,this problem is in their backyard.


Well,sorry,my intention was not to talk about politics(I kind of prefer privacy).

Rather what I say is ,remember the common cause that has brought us together,our mission to make the world a little smaller,one spouse at a time.


Spirited discussions are fine.

Let's have some respect for each other.

Not start our own personal wars.



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... too soft, too gentle, please reorganize your words... say it this way...


those damn anti Americans, I despite you and curse you especially you are born Americans!




I personally support American policies as far as it doesn't aganist China.

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Brainwash?  We call it something else here.  PW'd. :D

hi Dave... I did the 'something else' ... but it seems will take much longer time than I thought...


... I am teaching him Chinese now, so he can be 'something elsed' more completely. icon5.gif

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Brainwash?  We call it something else here.  PW'd.   :D

hi Dave... I did the 'something else' ... but it seems will take much longer time than I thought...


... I am teaching him Chinese now, so he can be 'something elsed' more completely. icon5.gif



Never seen you so frisky before. Your husband is a lucky man. :rolleyes:

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