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OT: Withdrawals

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This ain't the place to ask this...but I have no other means to post right now.


If I knew the Internet better, I'd create a site for CFL members exclusively to continue the RR. Like many have posted, this place just ain't the same. If taken out of the hands of PJ and Don but somehow linked to this site, would that preserve the special place CFL is? I think similar rules should apply. No profanity, no personal attacks...just fun debate and fun topics.


Anyone game? If so, create a paypal account and I'll be more than generous in my contributions. But, I'd still be interested in only chatting with CFL members. Is this possible?

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A "Rumpus Room in exile"? :P It's not a terrible idea, as it would confine RR-style posts to another board entirely without possibly damaging CFL. But I would worry that such a board would be a pale shadow of the old RR.. a mockery of sorts.


I DO have ample webspace, and I DO have a copy of invisionboard... but I'm not sure if it's really a good idea. If someone wanted to start a poll on it - with PJ and Don's permission, I would consider it if enough people were interested - thought we could maintain order - thought it wouldn't draw away from what is important on CFL, etc. If there were enough demand for such a thing I could do it. But I'd want the opinions of more than just a handful of members before I would even consider it.

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I was thinking along the same lines, but I agree with Jason, it is a touchy situation. It's been mentioned before, but the Rumpus Room really did pull a lot of traffic away from the CFL general boards. I would hate to start another RR, only to find that CFL suffered.


Having said that, though, I don't really think that would happen, CFL was probably cleaner and easier to access without all the periferial stuff going on when we had the RR.


The next thing I see being an issue is that PJ and Don pulled the plug for a reason, are we to juxtapose ourselves against their better judgement? If so, do we have a right to present our RR on their website? I mean, what's the point in killing the RR in order to keep the peace, if we're just going to run an end around and put up our own site? So, I really would like to hear from PJ and Don about this issue.


Lastly, I want to say that the RR had been around for awhile before it got ugly. We all showed that we could have fired up debate without hurting others, at least until the end. If we could somehow catch that essence in something new, I'd say OK.

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As far as posting links on Candle, that is not a problem. P.J. might even put up a hot-link? We have never, to my knowledge, prevented a link from being posted on Candle. Personally, the only one I would ever edit out would be if someone complained about a porn site being linked.

So Don, does that mean we can post links to porn sites as long as no one complains?


Damn, I should be a lawyer.

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Hi All,


Here's my take on it. I have no problem with anyone starting their own CFL rumpus room in any format or medium.


However, I will say that it is a lot more work than initially thought to keep things "clean". Setting up the software for Candle and doing the graphics only took me about a day's worth of work. Much of the work in the inital goings was setting up a charter and trying to set a tone and sense of kinship on the board, and keeping things from getting negative. Remember, Candle was created during a very negative time (original black hole), so I felt we needed a positive light, not another black hole of negativity.


Whoever is willing to set up their own RR and moderate it, or leave it unmoderated, I really do wish them the best of luck.


The one thing I ask is that if you do get into an ugly argument with a particular user in this new RR, whatever form it takes, please do not carry that argument back here to Candle.


Thank you.



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