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Why Fat is Better

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I have stated on a number of occasions that Jingwen prefers fatty cuts of meat. No strips or tenderloins in this household. I had always thought that it was the flavor that fat gives food that was the driver here.


Last night, I posed the question to Jingwen - why so much fat. I should have anticipated her response. She said that fat is flavorful and easier to chew than meat. Ah, the light bulb went on. In China, she was used to the lesser cuts of meat where tough chewing beef or pork might be the norm.


I have tried to get her to buy leaner but more tender cuts of beef, but she still goes for the shank. Maybe I should just buy some beef myself and sneak it into the freezer and see what she does with it. :angry:

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Have you noticed your Chinese family gaining any weight since being in America?.....I have!..... :lol:

Jingwen topped 100 lbs and went ballistic. She places the blame on a sedentary life. I agree wholeheartedly. While in China, we walked everywhere. Here, we take the car. Funny though - there's a small strip mall about a mile from the house. When Jingwen wants to go, I ask her if she would like to walk. No, let's drive. :D

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