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Hong Kong Anyone

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I met my wife while teaching English in Zhuhai. Now, she lives in Guangzhou and now I live in Kentucky. I love my wife but China itself doesn't really appeal to me and so I would rather visit her in Hong Kong. I love HK and I love my wife so I get the best of both worlds, however she now has to apply for a HK permit. Obviously, I'm worried that for some Red CHina reason she won't be able to get in HK after I booked my flight and hotel.


Any comments?

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Guest blsqueaky

Dave, I for one can not understand really why you would not go to GZ. It is a very lovely city, peacefull, and full of wonderfull people. Now as far as your question, I would think that if she has a passport, she should be able to join you in HK. I know that one of my wifes friends ttravels there all of the time. I really see no reason whey she should not be able to get the permit, unless they might think something dump. Just my thought, and good luck on your quest.

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Dave, I for one can not understand really why you would not go to GZ. It is a very lovely city, peacefull, and full of wonderfull people. Now as far as your question, I would think that if she has a passport, she should be able to join you in HK. I know that one of my wifes friends ttravels there all of the time. I really see no reason whey she should not be able to get the permit, unless they might think something dump. Just my thought, and good luck on your quest.

I prefer GZ to HK. HK is never attracted to me. It's no more than a mix cosmopolitan. Anyway heard the islands nearby were quite nice.


I see no reason why your wife can not get a pass to HK. It's very easy if she's a Guangdong residence with Guangdong Hu Kou. I got both my passport and HK pass without any trouble. Their service now is much more improved. You can book through telephone and then on the scheduled day you only need to go to the service centre with Hu Kou Ben and ID card. Then comes the application fee, and done. I got my HK & Macau pass appication done within 10 mins. After 1 week my pass was EMSed to my home. :P


The HK & Macau pass is good for 5 years. It's like the passport anyway. You have to get "visa" to HK or Macau each time, unless you get a multiple entries.


I just got a double entries to Macau and will head off to Macau with my honey next week. HK, well, um, no.

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I think Hong Kong is the best of both worlds- and she can get a permit the way others have described- when I lived in Shenzhen I went to Hong Kong as much as possible- I just prefer being able to see plays and dance shows and go to clubs where I fit in. Hong Kong is great because it is so cosmopolitan. I think she could do it last minute but if you are worried about it you can book it in advance.

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Yeah, she lives in Guangzhou but she isn't a resident so it takes her a couple weeks to send it to Guangsixi. I know she could get it I just worry about HK or China playing games at the immigration booth or something. But that's me I always worry about everything.


No offense but I can't understand the above comments of choosing Shenzhen or Guangzhou over HK. I respect them but I certainly don't agree. I honestly don't feel like getting ripped off from taxi drivers and would just like some cool places to go to as the above comment.

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Guest Fionas_Fiance



I know exactly how you feel. I don't (alas) know the answer to your

question, but thought I'd at least offer some moral support. I can

understand quite easily why you would prefer to meet her in

Hong Kong.


- Ben

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Yeah, she lives in Guangzhou but she isn't a resident so it takes her a couple weeks to send it to Guangsixi.  I know she could get it I just worry about HK or China playing games at the immigration booth or something.  But that's me I always worry about everything. 


No offense but I can't understand the above comments of choosing Shenzhen or Guangzhou over HK.  I respect them but I certainly don't agree.  I honestly don't feel like getting ripped off from taxi drivers and would just like some cool places to go to as the above comment.

Well it's only a matter of preference. I'm never attracted to metropolitans. I guess that's why I am not very interested in HK. Another big reason is that HK is sort of lost in the gap of east and west. True some ppl like the blend but for me I prefer something distinct especially for culture.


HK is a melting pot like NYC, but personally I prefer some mainland cities such as GZ, BJ or even some northwest ones, like Xi Ning, Lanzhou. Maybe they are not very cosmopolitan oriented, but they have very distinct culture, and most importantly the ppl there are proud of the Chinese culture.


As for the tricky taxi driver issues, I believe most taxi drivers here are reliable. You were just being unfortunately to meet 1 or 2 black sheep. The funny thing is my parents met a few cheats in HK but they've never met any in GZ. lol :lol:


HK is a nice place I believe, at least a nice place for shopping. Many of my colleagues go to HK to shop. But other than that so far the comments I heard on HK were not as good as those on other cities. :) A matter of preference again.


I don't think ppl at the custom will play any games on your wife. As long as she's a genuine tourist I see no point why she will get questioned.

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Hi Dave, since your wife will moving to the US at some point, it would be much easier for you to visit her in China. She may or may not be able to get a permit for HK. If she is willing to come to the US then you could at least suck it up this one time, and spend some time with her, in her hometown, or wherever she happens to be living at the moment.


Dave, I do not mean to be rude or insensitive, just remember what these women are giving up for us. Not all Chinese women who come to the US have a better life here, then they had in China!!! I know of some women who believe they had a much better life in China then here in the US!!


Bottom line is you have to do what you feel is the right thing to do for you and your wife!!

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Great Responses All!!!


However, I've been burned many times in the taxi, alone, with friends, and with my wife. I've been burned so many times I'm shocked when I'm not.


Yes, I respect my wife is Chinese and I should suck it up a little but I lived there for 6months (hard time) and my adventure days are over. I'm looking forward to the conversations I'll have with Brits and Auzzies in Wan Chai and La Kwon Fang.


Bottom line to all you American men you are forking out money and a long plane ride have some fun while you are there with your love one.


As a humanities major in college I think there is plenty of culture in HK and New York...I think most people don't understand the true meaning of that word. It covers covers more than just simple aspects to daily life. After all the best way to experience cultures is through conversation with many different types of people not attending a parade or perusing a gift shop in some obscure town.


Thanks to everyone's comments I enjoy the challenge.

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Dave, few months ago, I took my Fei to HK at the end of a long distance China trip (meet parents etc.) -- we both wanted to go, and it was easy for her to get an HK visa (she is a documented resident of GZ)


--- don't know how hard it is in other provinces --- it can be a little more difficult, according to Fei ---- but if she gets the permit, I think there is virtually NO chance of her having trouble on her return ----- one of the big political pushes that HK has been exerting on Beijing since SARS dried up western tourism, has been to let far more mainland tourists into HK --- there are now seperate customs lines for mainland tour groups...


Fei is in a permanent state of war with cabbies in China, and so far as I can tell, the score is:


Fei: about 6,750 Cabbies: Zero... Even if it does mean getting out of the cab on the bumper to bumper expressway..


But let me tell you what happened last time in HK: I had a very early flight, and was running a little late --- and got a cab right at the hotel door -- in Happy Valley --- he was fast getting me to the express train station, and when he pulled up, it was so early, we were the only ones there. I hop out, and he hops out --- but stands with his door open, but doesn't pop the trunk --- he knows I'm in a hurry and also knows that I have less than 5 minutes to catch the airport train --- I say: I need my bag! He says: There is a 8 HK dollar charge for taking the bag out of the trunk.


My strong impression is that I am much bigger and stronger than he is, and since no one is around, I can kill him right here on the spot --- but then I miss my flight, and he isn't budging.... so I pay the extra 8 dollars to make my flight out of HK.....


(Hummmmmmm.......... maybe in the future I'll carry kind of tool to jimmy a trunk...)

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As an American alone- I have never had problems with taxis- I think my Chinese is so bad they just want to take me to the right place and get me out of the cab- But with Hengli- we always had problems- he got in so many fights and we have called the cab companies so many times to complain. Shenzhen is better- you can even say to the cabs there- "I want to go to a nice internet cafe- do you know where one is?" and they willl find it- but in Shanghai we had people who just didn't want to go to Puxi from Pudong for no reason at all. Or they wouldn't go the way Henglis asked them to go- so difficult- the worst is when no one will take you in the rain :D

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