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Dental Visit

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Hey guys,


Nicola and I went to get a cleaning yesturday. Before she came to America I asked her to go get her teeth cleaned and she said people just don't do that in China. Its like getting plastic surgery. If someone's MM doesn't agree with Nicola please post it here because I like being disagreed with so that I can learn!

Nicola is 22 years old and has some really nice straight teeth. About 8 months ago I brought ten packs of Dental floss with me on my trip and she kept asking what in the world I was doing. I should her how to floss but other than that she has been brushing her teeth twice a day all her life. My first suggestion is to get some good dental floss to your MM's the "Glide floss" clear green package is awesome! My favorite.

We didn't think she had any cavaties because she has never had toothache and hates sweets. Well...............We both went for a cleaning and she took twice as long as me. The lady cleaning her teeth came out and said she has SO much build up because she has never had her teeth cleaned that it took her an hour to clean it. She also said that Nicola has to come back in one month to try to get some more build up off her teeth. Then 6 months later after she delivers her baby they want her to come in for an exray because so far they see 10 cavaties! Make your first stops a dental cleaning and checkup because if you wait it will cost you more or you'll all have toothless wives! :)

The good thing is Nicola kept touching her teeth and saying that she has never in her life had her teeth feel so clean. It was worth the $65 cleaning and the future $65 recleaning.

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JM went to the DDS. We're $5000 into the process (for the family) and still not finished. Two deep cleanings, one extraction, and three crowns. All four wisdom teeth are full of cavities; two of which are impacted. The DDS has referred us to an oral surgion to have the wisdom teeth extracted...no point in saving them. Then, she needs one implant.


On top of all this, she got caps on all her front teeth long ago. Her smile is breath-taking. But, as a kid, she was given tons of tetracycline so her teeth turned grey. The caps were colored accordingly and not well fitted. Seems they might need to be replaced too....questions exist about decay under the caps. Not to worry...I don't think I'm getting ripped off. I've seen all the X-rays and the DDS pointed out all the obvious problems. When all is said and done, I think we'll be into it for 10k. Bummer...but JM's smile is worth it.


Hopefully, she'll get her AP soon. She said she'd have the wisdom teeth taken out in China. I put my foot down and said no. I just don't trust them regarding infection and the such.

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To be fair I forgot to mention i've lived in the U.S. for all my 27 years and I have over 20 cavaties! Its not just a Chinese problem. The issue really is that the Chinese do not take care of their teeth as much as we do here in America........but then again with 20 cavaties and a root canal at 27 years old........I HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK! :angry:

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I am as yet uninitiated into the horrors of dentistry. Three of my wisdom teeth came in no problem, one is just hanging out and playing it cool. No cavaties ever (I was a Crest kid :lol:). Of course now that I've said that... When Jun and I go to the dentist, maybe they'll find more in my mouth than in hers :P

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