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Friday the 13th...not a good day

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Driving stories? I agree...how timely.


After JM got the learner's permit, I've been doing the instructing. JM loves saving money. At first, I was a wreck but it's getting better. The other day, she said I make her nervous/angry when I freak out. She forgets that the cars about to hit us are coming towards me on my side of the car...which is also where the baby sits. And, if we wreck, she has NO clue how expensive/time consuming it is. I've let go of control and try to stay calmer. It's working.


JM went and took the driving test last Wednesday. Didn't pass. The gal that gave the test was a sweetheart when giving feedback. Everything was great, except turns. JM stopped at a green light when turning right...and almost got rear-ended by a FedEx van. When turning left on a small street with no center line, she entered the opposite lane before turning. Oops! Then, there was the "drift" to the right while looking over her left shoulder....for five seconds! And, leaving the DMV to test? Took 10 minutes just to get out of the parking space, almost clipping both cars on either side of her. How these DMV folks survive their jobs, I have no clue.


JM tests again on the 30th. More time to practice....more time for me to seek a Valium prescription.

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Hey Bob please say you have Farmers.  Otherwise we will have to pay new driver rates.

Sorry we have Saftey Insurance. Saved 20% of a 3K bill!!! You know how these women like to save!!! Lili, now has over one year of driving with out ant violations, not bad eh!!!


How long has you wife been driving?? We told the insurance company Lili, has been driving for ten years. Something about new drivers having to have at least four years of driving experience, so we just added a few more on.

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Well my Friday was spent with Charley. just got powerr and telephone today, now have to clean the refrigerator and freezer, the house did fine, we are on the water and thank goodness he moved quick, so no surge otherwise we would have been screwed. We will have a fancy Palm tree available for sale in a few years, Buddah looked after our home, all other neighbors had problems, trees in the pools etc. just glad to have power and phone again, and a warm shower, father is still on a generator ten minutes away, maybe 1 day or 2. days before power, my many thanks for all the out of town power companys for sending help, some from Indianappolis , some as far away as Houston Texas, and the local sub contracters Midwest Elec. only saw 2 Floriada Power Trucks since Saterday. If you want to check things out try NEWS- PRESS.com in s.w. fla :lol:

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