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Shopping at Home People

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Hey guys have I got it made or what? Bing loves shopping at Home Depot. Of course it took a few trips down there for her to figure out I was saying Home Depot not Home People. She loves browsing through the gardening section. The other day they had annuals on sale. A four pack for $1.59 so of course she had to add on to her ever expanding gardening projects. I still have no idea what's growing in her vegetable garden. Some seeds she brought from China she doesn't know the English words for. Time will tell. every morning she gets up and goes out there with the hose to water her babies.


We just finished putting up the white picket fence yesterdayand Bing has all but about 15 feet of it painted. Here is one thing I really love about her. Even though she is a city girl she is out there with me shoulder to shoulder doing whatever she can to help me build this fence. Now my ex was a girly girl who would maybe have brought me some ice tea after watching me from the window a while so I am not used to a mate that wants pitch in.


As Don stated many times in the past watching my world through her eyes is a fascintating experience.


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Funny you should mention the picket fence and paint.


We had to stain and seal our deck. Off to Home Depot with Jingwen in tow. She loves the place too.


After prepping the deck, it was time to paint. I'm using a roller, but Jingwen is down in that classic Asian squat with a tiny paint brush, painting and sealing between the planks. She worked for two days, and I must admit that I wouldn't have had the patience or the flexibility to squat and paint that long.


Minghao, a typical 18 year old boy, eventually came out to watch, so I put him to work - something that he is not real fond of. I let him apply the stain to the planks and watched for a few minutes while he began to paint himself into a corner. Decision time. Do I let him continue or do I stop the comedy? Stop! Stop! :blink:


One thing I will say is that Minghao is not nearly as meticulous as mom. :P

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Funny you should mention the picket fence and paint. 


We had to stain and seal our deck.  Off to Home Depot with Jingwen in tow.  She loves the place too.


After prepping the deck, it was time to paint.  I'm using a roller, but Jingwen is down in that classic Asian squat with a tiny paint brush, painting and sealing between the planks.  She worked for two days, and I must admit that I wouldn't have had the patience or the flexibility to squat and paint that long.


Minghao, a typical 18 year old boy, eventually came out to watch, so I put him to work - something that he is not real fond of.  I let him apply the stain to the planks and watched for a few minutes while he began to paint himself into a corner.  Decision time.  Do I let him continue or do I stop the comedy?  Stop! Stop! :P


One thing I will say is that Minghao is not nearly as meticulous as mom. :P

Gesh folks ya gotta cheat ya get one of those weed sprayer's fill with sealent and spray away.

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Great picture of Bing!!!


And great posts everyone!!!


But this thread seems universal enough that it should go in the: "You know your wife is Chinese" Thread....


Its funny, because I am spending a lot of time at the local Home Depot (Mall 205, Carl) right now, to source virtually everything for a new house that I am building --- was over there for most of Weds, Thurs, Fri.


---- Trying to drive down the material costs --- contractor claimed his sources were cheaper --- he was wrong -- Big time!!! ---- (can't wait for this face-to-face)..... But even though I was very busy, (hey! there are a lot of options at Home Depot!!)


---- on at least a half dozen occasions in the three days that I was there, I looked up to see a White guy with his Asian Signf. Other ---- and I think most of them were Chinese!..... And the thing was, they were always happy, and the reason they were happy is because the Woman was always happy ----


My Theory is that the reason Chinese women are happy at Home Depot is because unlike their western counterparts --- lets face it, doors, windows, plumbing parts etc. --- yeah, they are Material things ---


--- but not Material Girl things ---- unlike many Western women, who view materialism in a personal way, Chinese view the Home Depot form of materialism as a way to build a better life for the WHOLE FAMILY.....


I think that is very much a Chinese characteristic.......



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