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:P :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


We cannot tell how happy we are today. My boyfriend passed the interview and they approved our case. The man is so tough that he interviewed him for two and hald hours. In the first hour, he did not smile. But later, he smiled, talked so good, and very helpful. Thank God. We are so happy that my eyes wet when I heard the news. We have been waiting sooooo long, one year and another four months, for approval. We hope that our case will move forward smoothly. God bless us. God bless you all.


Thanks everyone here. Good luck to you all.

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yyp, this is wonderful news, and I am very happy for you two. I know what a relief this must be. Best of luck as you move forward with the rest of the process.


It would be very helpful if we could get some details on what seems to be a very unique procedure. Since your case represents the first time any of us have heard of that required an interview of the US citizen, I am very curious as to what happened?


Which government agency conducted the interview. Was it USCIS? If so, was it at the Service Center or some other office? When you say you were approved, do you mean that your boyfriend's I-129f petition was approved? Did the interviewer give you any indication as to why an interview was conducted? What kind of questions did he or she ask?


Again, congratulations. I certainly hope the rest of the process goes more quickly for you.

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Congrats on the good news! But it seems to me that your case is not actually "approved". Because didn't you earlier say that you still have to be interviewed at the US consulate in Guangzhou? Your case (visa) isn't finally and completely approved until you pass *your* interview at GZ.


Indeed this is a truly bizarre case. Your boyfriend was interviewed for 2.5 hours?! I almost can't believe this! Please tell us more info. Which government agency did the interview? USBCIS? DHS? DOS? FBI? CIA? And please tell us the background info of your boyfriend. Is he a US citizen, born and raised in America? Or is he Chinese? What kinds of questions did they ask him? Where was the interview?


Haha, so many questions, because nobody here has heard of such a situation. Again, good news for you, I hope your case marches forward, but please tell us more info! Thanks :P

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