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There are 2 questions I need answered -


The P4 wants a "non-marraige certificate" - does Sarah need one in spite of the fact that she is divorced? Any ideas?


Is the fee paid in GZ still paid at the CITIC in GZ? The P4 says 2881RMB but does mot specify where. 2881 is about 3x the previous fee.


Anyone know?


and BTW, Xing Dao is LOVELY!



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When Jingwen went for her medical exam, the staff said that she needed a non-marriage certificate. I challenged them on this, and said that the divorce documents indicating that she had not registered a marriage since her divorce was sufficient. I can't remember if they noted this on the documents, but GZ was satisfied with all the paperwork.


The K-1 visa fee should still be 830 RMB. I think the higher number refers to other immigrant visas.

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Guest blsqueaky

Hello Jeff, I was just asking Ling, who just went through this in May, and she says that a figure of 2000RMB, is right, but that this is including the interview fee, the exam and also the shots that she had done there instead of paying here.


As far as the fee, yes, the interview fee is pad at the CITIC bank.


Now as to the non-marriage certificate, I think that if she is getting her P-4, then everything that has been submitted is okay. I know that when Ling and I married there, I had to show one, and so did she.


Jeff, Good Luck, and keep us informed

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Guest blsqueaky

I forgot, I should have added this to make it easier,








Maybe a translator, (not recommend, ask me and I will tell you horror stories) another 350-400RMB

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