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First Road Trip Coming Up

Guest blsqueaky

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Guest blsqueaky

Well this Saturday we will be leaving to pick up the new truck. Don, Carl and Frank, went back to being company driver, heck with owning, so we will be picking up new one on Monday then running dedicated Tyson/IBP. She can not wait. Morning get clothes done, then packed on Friday. Jeez, she just finished getting everything organized, now here she is packing again to leave for about 2 weeks, see the country. She is so excited.


Well I thought that I would have a little problem with homesickness, so I got the DSL finally hooked up and another new web cam. Today she spent lots of time chatting with friends, Australia, London and China, and being able to see everyone. This sure made her happy again, seeing friends again, able to audio. This should help so much. I tried to download the chinese version of MSN, messed up my puter bad. Everytime I opened it, it would show ?????? and maybe a couple of words of English. Then I would try to get MSN home page, Chinese as soon as I went to messenger. Ummmm so much fun to fix. Finally found a link, trial and error, and back to english again.


Ohhhhh the fun we have when they arrive. I will admit, more than once I was ready to throw the dayum thing out of the window.


Well till later, will keep you informed from the road and let you know how she is doing. Everyone, take care. Right now she is finally cooking a real dinner. Been here now 9 days now, finally cooking. I am tired of cooking, but of course I still will, but not while on the road, so time to watch what she is doing. :( :D

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Guest blsqueaky
:P :D :D No Don, tyson now owns IBP, hauling cow sides (swinging meat) and frozen beef, once in a while, frozen chicken fat. Makes for nice clean, smelling trailer. :( :D
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Guest blsqueaky

Oh yes, used to work for this sub-contractor before, used to haul the swinging from Emporia to either the motor city or the windy. Great areas to go into. Gotta Love it :P :P :lol:

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My daughters love the animated movie "Chicken Run" don't know if you have seen it, but I can watch it over and over with them -- very funny! If the owners of the chicken run had been successful, you would have been hauling frozen chicken pot pies. ..... but of course, the chickens out smarted the pie makers....


But what a great opportunity to see the country!

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Guest blsqueaky
Its them loads of swingin chickens ya gotta watch out for Don.

All right Carl, from being a dayum skateboard hauler, now what do you know aboaut swinging chickens. I will have NONE of that :D :D :lol:


Robert, no, I am not hauling anything live, unless I have to haul a back haul of plants, other than that, it will be dead, and either fresh or frozen boxes.


Kim, no, I have not seen the movie. Right now the wife is chimping at the bit to get in the truck and start to travel, see the country.


Just got off the phone with the new boss, was told that my new truck is sitting there waiting for me, and even tho I am mostly mid-west, I can get loads going to the Northwest, but then once in awhile have to take one going to the Northeast. Fine with me. Hope I can get one of them around the fall time. Let her see fall in Maine, NH and VT. Forget winter. Been there, done that.


Well till later, everyone, take care and be safe out there.

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Guest blsqueaky
Its them loads of swingin chickens ya gotta watch out for Don.

Swinging chickens? You did pull a little trailer.

You know Don, I am wondering if Carl is thinking about swinging pups, wiggle wagons.


Heck I do not know. Well today bought new hangers, and guess where they are going??????

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Guest blsqueaky
Yes hangers, have to hand up the washed clothes. You know how these ladies are.

You mean....like the pink carrousel with dangling clothes pins hanging in the bathroom?

Don, you are sooooo close, they are chartrues(sp) and they are packed away. Well soon, and when we get back, I will post again to let everyone know ow she did, and this is per Mick!!!!!

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Yes hangers, have to hand up the washed clothes. You know how these ladies are.

You mean....like the pink carrousel with dangling clothes pins hanging in the bathroom?

We had several of those little pink circular hangers when we lived in China. When I hung up my socks or underwear on them, the trick was to get them to balance so the whole contraption didn't come falling down, thus dirtying the clothes. :P


I'm sure you have mastered it by now Don. :P :P :P

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