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Well its done!


We are finally married. Everyday is like a dream. All this waiting and BS was bootcamp and now that i'm through it all I'm glad I went through it. I now realize how much Nicola means to me! I will never take her for granted! Every second of the wait was hell but with bootcamp over I am stronger because of it. I know everyone waiting HATES hearing this at this time but trust me once she or he arrives in America it will be like a dream. Can you just imagine getting up in the morning with your MM right next to you. Can you imagine driving and visiting friends and she's with you. Dreams do come true. Some people dream of making millions and other's just dream of having thier loved ones with them! I can't believe it! I'm the type of person that wishes pain upon myself before I see other's suffering and I can only promise everyone that this day will come for all of you. Let us all never forget what we went through. Good luck to all of you! I couldn't of made it a single day without all of your support and kinds posts!

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Congratulations to both of you! Best wishes to your new life and cherish every day from now on!


The long waiting makes us know better love is so great and life is so valuable to all of us... Keep dreaming until it comes true.



Mark and June

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Congratulations Sam. It only gets better. Every day I wake up next to Bing and realize I I love her more than the day before. If you are only a fraction as happy as I am you are indeed a happy man.

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