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From an earlier post; the Patriarch didn't even know that I existed... no one in the family had the nerve to tell him...


Now I find out that there is good news.... and hummmmmmmm.......


Yesterday, Fei's sister (who I met, with her family last Sept. has finally had the balls ~ (Fei didn't) to tell the Patriarch that .......


.... Fei divorced her husband two years ago....


"GOOD ~!" responds the Patriarch.....


Encouraged, Sis tells the Patriarch that Fei is going to bring a new man to meet him in YueYang... "HUH ?" responds the Patriarch ... news to him... (Fei's mother already knows..)


And to back up a bit, the Patriarch is a strong, smart and still powerful man --- lost his commission in the PRC navy in the Cultural Revolution, but became a college president, now retired, but still lives on the campus ....


So there is this prep work going on (catch up) to prepare him for my meeting next week...


--- hell, sort of a lot of ground to cover, considering that he just found out that Fei divorced two years ago....


Meanwhile Fei is coaching me: " If he offers you his snake wine, PLEASE drink it!! -- Very Good for Men anyway!!!" "YES, you must formally ask him if I can marry you !!" Please, do it in the right way!"


Meanwhile, there is a subtle convergence of extended family.... niece just happens to be going to visit her grandparents ...


.... ON THE SAME DAY ...


.... wouldn't it be wonderful if she can travel with us on the train??? (She will --- 10 hours)


Oh~! Honey! GREAT News! my favorate Auntie has decided to vist my parents JUST at the time we arrive in YueYang!


(she usually visits them several times a year, but: WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!)


Hummmmmm...... Any comments or suggestions??

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I guess elopment is out of the question?


The only way to go here Kim, drink more snake wine than the old man. You gotta drink him under the table, him and anyone else that tries to keep up with you.


That appears to be the way I earned the respect of my new family. The very first day, I slammed the first "shot" and kept going until I'd had a drink with everyone and ArGuo (2nd brother) was passed out. Fortunately TeGuo (1st brother) had to work later, so he slowed down after a few, he's the heavy drinker in the family. Nevertheless, I won everyone's respect.


As far as the aunt on the train goes, thouroughly kiss Fei for the first 5 mins or so, I doubt the aunt will say two words to you after that. You'll have the whole rest of the trip virtually alone with Fei. Of course you'll have to drink the aunt under the table too, later on.


Just my 2 jiao.

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From an earlier post;  the Patriarch didn't even know that I existed...  no one in the family had the nerve to tell him...


Now I find out that there is good news.... and hummmmmmmm.......


Yesterday, Fei's sister (who I met, with her family last Sept.  has finally had the balls  ~ (Fei didn't)  to tell the Patriarch that .......


.... Fei divorced her husband two years ago....


"GOOD ~!"  responds the Patriarch.....


Encouraged, Sis tells the Patriarch that Fei is going to bring a new man to meet him in YueYang...  "HUH ?" responds the Patriarch ... news to him... (Fei's mother already knows..) 


And to back up a bit, the Patriarch is a strong, smart and still powerful man ---  lost his commission in the PRC navy  in the Cultural Revolution, but became a college president, now retired, but still lives on the campus ....


So there is this prep work going on (catch up) to prepare him for my meeting next week...


--- hell, sort of a lot of ground to cover, considering that he just found out that Fei divorced two years ago....


Meanwhile Fei is coaching me: " If he offers you his snake wine, PLEASE drink it!!  -- Very Good for Men anyway!!!" "YES, you must formally ask him if I can  marry you !!"  Please, do it in the right way!"


Meanwhile, there is a subtle convergence of extended family....  niece just happens to be going to visit her grandparents  ... 


.... ON THE SAME DAY  ...


....  wouldn't it be wonderful if she can travel with us on the train??? (She will --- 10 hours) 


Oh~! Honey!  GREAT News!  my favorate Auntie has decided to vist my parents JUST at the time we arrive in YueYang! 


(she usually visits them several times a year, but:  WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!)


Hummmmmm...... Any comments or suggestions??

take cheetos youre going to need them

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Yeah, Mark,


Normally I would agree --- but the Patriarch considers his snake wine to be "medicinal" -- (he makes it himself) ... so is suspect if you seem to be enjoying its consumption....


Damn, wish it were a beer though.... minus the snake.... could keep him entertained for hours then.......


... On the train, its not the Auntie, its the 18 y.o. niece .... but very straight laced, and always reporting back to her Communist Party Papa (high official, sister's husband) --- not a good plan to do a "public display of affection" ... in my estimation..... think we will talk about the "weather" for 10 hours on the train...


Thanks, Carl about the Cheetos, maybe I can use them as packing material for the gifts, and when I get to YueYang, retire to the bathroom, and suck on them until they can't hear the crunch throught the thin, Regulation, Communist Door to the bathroom...

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