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The FUN of AOS, EAD, etc.

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Just a little update on our life and our wonderful dealings with the CIS!


We received our receipt notices for AOS and EAD. These notices of course said to call and make an appointment for his biometrics. (which consists of fingerprints and what else exactly????)


Anyway, so i called and the lady asked for all of the information the last of which was our zipcode. She supposedly typed it in, and comes back with, "Your ACS center is San Antonio, and there is an appointment available for tomorrow."


She was a complete idiot. Remember now, we live in Baton Rouge, LA, only one hour from the ACS center in New Orleans.

So, I was in shock. I told her where i lived and she actually thought San Antonio was our center?? AND she thought we could be there the next day? (maybe we technically COULD, but that we would?)


Anyway, I told her that we lived in Baton Rouge and that New Orleans was A LOT closer than San Antonio. She said, "Well, you can try to go there, but since it isn't your center by your zip code then there is no guarantee they will accept you." I asked how San Antonio could be ours when we lived so close to New Orleans??? She asked for my zip again and apparently put it in wrong the first time and came up with the New Orleans center on round two.


So, things were looking better---for about one minute. Then she proceeds to tell me that "there are no appointments in New Orleans." I said, "What do you mean, 'No appointments'? EVER???"

She said, "well no, not for the next 45 days. Call back at 8am tomorrow and we will schedule you one in New Orleans then."


So, we called back and they scheduled us alright, for JULY 7!!! I asked if the EAD (our main concern since Jacob is bored out of his mind right now) could continue to be processed or if the biometrics had to be done first, she told us everything would basically be on hold until Biometrics was taken care of.


I scheduled the appt. in New Orleans for July, got off the phone and told Jacob. I thought he was going to cry!! (by the way, he doesn't cry!!) So, i proceeded to call back the great people of CIS and ask them if we could drive to a center that was further in order to get an more reasonable appointment.


Surprisingly they did agree, and we are heading out for Houston this afternoon. It is only about 4 1/2 hours or so, so it shouldn't be too bad. My only question was, what about what the first chick told me about going to a center that isn't truly ours. She said they could reject us. Sooo I asked the last lady I talked to, when I scheduled the Houston appt. and she said as long as CIS schedules it, we bring our reciepts, confirmation number, and his photo ID there should be NO problems!


We will see! I'll let y'all know how it goes!


More tales from the CIS!!!

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Yes, that is much better to go ahead and drive in order to save months of time. You have got to have that EAD as soon as possible.


I guess they call it biometrics because their machines are so high-tech! They really are kind of awesome, must have been very expensive, have to be very careful with these Chinese people since they are liable to . . . . what??? Go berserk with a chef's knife?

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well we are now back from Houston, and I still have one question, WHAT DOES BIOMETRICS MEAN???


We were in and out in about 10 to 15 minutes. Basically all they did was fingerprint him. They did verify his passport or something like that! He had to take a picture too. But other than that, the didn't do much.


I was told we couldn't go to the Jackson, MS office, which is closer to Baton Rouge that HOUSTON, because they couldn't do the complete Biometrics there, only the fingerprints?? Now, I'm still wondering again why we couldn't go there because they basically only did fingerprints anyway!


Anyway, they also didn't ask what time our appointment was or for our confirmation number. I gave it to the lady voluntarily (is that a word?), but anyway, so it was a lot different than i though it would be!


so there ya go, there is the rest of our update!

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I just want to add sometime to this, maybe wrong place in this forum, but how long has most I-485's been since fileing? I called NVC on the 485 filing and how long it takes and they told me they are working on May 2002? for interviews whats with this , is it true? I hope I have the option to go to GZ for interview, as it has to be quicker there than here, or are they slowing down the process so they can make more money, renewal for EAD, Drivers Licensce and what ever, as there has ben 2 rate increases since early 2002. Dads comment they should be able to get the paperwork done alot faster than what they do, in the old days things went much quicker and without so much gov't crap :D

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