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New news on the call center closure

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Guest William
Although the call center problem may not directly affect K1/K3 visa, there has been no P4s given out in about a month.  Something is afoot.  The P4s that do have interviews will be finishing them up in the next couple weeks.  Then what will GZ be doing?


maybe that is because it has really worked that way for at least about the last 8 months to a year i think.....they only issue the P4's like once a month or something like that, if you dont have your paperwork in the get in with the current month, then you have to wait......it is normal!


my husband got his paperwork in near the end of a month and didn't get his P4 until what ended up being almost two months later- about a month and a half i guess....anyway, it is just the way it works....it has nothign to do with the call center or anything like that!!!


anyway, the next round should be out soon!!!

it seems like an eternity when YOU are waiting for it, but i am sure the time line of how often the P4's are sent out hasn't changed much!!!

My I-129F (K3) package has been at the NVC for over three months. If I am reading some of these posts correctly, it seems the average processing time at the NVC is more like 30 to 40 days.


Does anyone know what the average processing time is at the NVC?

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I'm not sure of the average processing time- but it seems like it was a couple of months. Mine took a long time in the states- and then it was really fast after it got to Guangzhou- like from July to February in the states. Have you called the NVC? Are you sure it's still there? I had a hard time finding out and then mine had already been sent to Guangzhou but it took about four weeks to get to Guangzhou. (I think it goes somewhere before Guangzhou as well- not sure where though...)

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Welcome.... Hopefully you will find friends here.


Assuming you have the correct place.


NVC - National Visa Center, New Hampshire.


The typical wait recently has been less than 1 month lately. However, I would not get upset until after it is there for at least 2 months. You said that yours has been stuck for 3 months, thus a problem has been encountered.


One of the big things that is done at the NVC is the FBI Name Check.


The FBI compares your Fiancee's name and birthday (and perhaps other information) to their records. If the search comes up negative, a result is returned within a couple of days. However, if there is a close match, then they must evaluate it further which can take up to 120 days (or more).


Call the NVC for a status update (the number is on your NOA2 reciept from BCIS), and try to get some additonal information about your case. Please post their reply.


Oh, one other note. The NVC is supposed to send out a confirmation letter. These seem to be non-existant in most cases (at least they were a year ago). Again, call them to get information about your case.


Oh, when you call them, also ask for the Case Number (GUZ number).


Best of Luck,

----- Clifford -----

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